Thank you to Fuzvue for allowing me to add him to my friends list.
Anyone that has a problem with any friend of mine will answer to me!!! I dont usually get violent but when I do it is verbal and I can do damage. Never Fuck with my friends.
Life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Life gives you the shits, throw it at the nearest asshole. I am deeply sympathetic to those that have problems in life, trying to find a house is a waste of time and getting a job is even harder.
I am really sympathetic to any woman that has been told she is lazy, useless, a waste of time and space, been told that she will never amount to anything and that we cannot do anything right....
One of my ex partners and a friend of mine.... have both said these things to me and I stayed up all flaming night crying and I could not get it out of my head.....
I hope that my friends are well and safe now and I hope they are doing well at whatever job they have.....
I hope that Mike will come online but he has not been on in weeks and I am getting worried about him, I guess that he is unaware of this at the moment.....
I miss you Mike and I hope that you come online again soon.
Thank you to my new friends that have added, rated, honored, bitten or stalked when they want to....
I have been blessed with such awesome friends and I want them to know that I will always be here or on Yahoo if they want to talk with me.
thankyou for your positiveness
You are most welcome.