I lie awake at night thinking about my fate,my destiny.Do we as a people make our own fate or do we have a fate and destiny dealt to us ?Do we just sit back and take this Fate or do we,can we change it?I use to think so,but I'm not sure anymore.I've done some really bad things in my past,but not for one minute do I dwell on them.I can't change it so I don't bother with dwelling on it.What I do ,do is try to be a better person and with everything I've been through and everything I've put others through I've always tried to make amends to and for it.It wasn't easy to admit I was wrong.Not me,But I did it.I'm a much better person now, I've forgiving myself for my past,I really have ,but at what cost.I've lost loved one's and good friends that I miss dearly but what else can I do,I've done my best and sometimes it just doesn't seem enough.I'm a true believer of Karma and trust and believe she has came back to bite me in the ass a few time's.You think you've been forgiving by some but you find out you haven't been.Why is it some never let go of the past?I know it's hard,But I had no other choice it was consuming me it was eating me alive until I learned to let go.I don't know I just other's could do the same.....
I am so bored.I hate not being able to work.I find myself just bored out my mind.The one thing I love though is I get to spend more time here at the rave.That keeps me busy.I need to figure out something to do with the time I'm not on here,I'm just bored........
Well she is finally here.My new Grand daughter,Her name is Jordyn Michelle,She is so adorable.You all can see here in my portfolio.She is going to be a very special part of this family.It's so amazing how such a little life can bring such joy to one's heart....
Well had that wisdom tooth and the other tooth pulled yesterday,I am in pain.Thank goodness for percoset.Tabby still hasn't had the baby yet,Ad my sister has her first Drs' appt soon.I guess all is well for now.....NOT!!