Not much to say about today,Just a really laid back day,It was nice for a change.I am though going to tell you guys a story.It's about a 6 year old and his odd feelings he started noticing.He felt like he did not fit in with his family.He was an odd boy I must say.But then I'm going to take you through his adventures as a teen and what he's like now as a man.This story will make you laugh it'll make you cry and one thing it will do is make you think.about a lot of things,I know it made me think about things I didn't want to think about,about things long ago that didn't really seem important at that time but played a great deal on my up-bringing,You see this story is about me and my life the up's and down's......Trust me I have loved every minute of my life,Sure there's been heart-ache and pain,But there's been a lot of joy.And boy when I tell you joy I mean joy............I don't think I'd change anything about my life,It's made me the person that I am now.I like the person I am .........So tomorrow will begin my story
I know i promised a story,And work has had me tied up.But Sunday I'm off,So it begins on Sunday..........