tigerzplay's Journal

tigerzplay's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


4 entries this month


04:34 Oct 20 2008
Times Read: 693

yesterday I noticed that someone had rated my profile a 7, the person left me a msg as to why. I didnt get upset but rather followed up with an explanation to why my profile looked the way it did. Upon doing this I had a realization. Had this person not rated me a 7 I might not have otherwise taken the time to speak with this person. I then realized that I have put so much emphasis on rating and leveling up that I have put aside my real intentions for joining VR in the first place, and that was to meet people and be social, also to learn as much about vampires and the paranormal as I can. I have to stop and wonder how many others on here feel the same way?

At this time I wish to say thank you to that person and they know to whom they are. Now I am not saying that ratings are not important and heaven knows im going to continue rating and leveling up. I am also not saying everyone rush out and give me 7's, but I am saying that perhaps while on here I could take more time and simply thank those that have stopped by and rated me. Perhaps I could take the time to drop random msgs and try more to be social. I love getting to know people and it shouldnt take getting a low rating to inspire me to do this.



04:40 Oct 20 2008

Honesty always sparks conversation, and good ones at that. It's when we just smile and nod that we alienate each other. The person opposite you is not an imbecile, as you'd like to think. They know when a topic of conversation, birthday card, well wishes, or some freaking rating is not important to them. Keep just blindly offering 10's and who's going to care? Where's the community?

08:01 Oct 20 2008

Good point my friend :)


really long surve

17:29 Oct 05 2008
Times Read: 704

I finally took the time to fill one of these fuckers out.

Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You

The Basic Stuff

Name?: Tigerzplay aka Jenn

Age?: 32

Height?: 5'2"

Weight?: too much

Birthday?: December 28

Birthplace?: Oklahoma

Current Location?: Kansas

School/Grade?: some college

Zodiac Sign?: Capricorn

Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Not sure

Righty or Lefty?: Righty

Haircolor?: Depends on the amount of grey that month right now red

Eyecolor?: hazel

Skin Color?: white

About You

What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Parents have passed, I have sisters

Any Pets?: Yes

If So What Are They?: a cat and two ferrets

Favorite Relative?: not sure

Least Favorite Relative?: ex step mom

What's Your Heritage/Race?: scotish irish german dutch and welch

Political Affilation?: undecided

Love & Sex

Sexuality?: heterosexual

Are You In A Relationship Now?: yes

If So, With Whom?: My Hubby

For How Long?: 12yrs

Are You In Love?: yes

Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: yes

Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: yes

How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: 16

Virgin?: nope far from it

If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: 19

Was It Enjoyable?: nope

What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: pretty fucking kinky

Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: on my neck and back

Best Love Quote?: Love is everything and nothing all at once.

Your Friends

Best?: my dad

How Many Do You Have?: not many

More Guys Or Girls?: more guys

Love Them All?: of course

Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: yeah

Oldest?: my dad

Newest?: Melissa

Pen Pal?: yes

Friends And Words: Associate Them

Pen: email

Flower: children

Pink: my daughter

Window: my son

Heart: my family

Mother: never had one that acted much like a mother

Bread: Jon

Insane: my neighbors

Sunglasses: my neice

Pimp: a male friend of mine

Cross: Chris

Lonely: me

Car: brian

Music: kat

This Or That

Boxers or Briefs?: camando

Thongs or G-Strings?: neither

Shorts or Pants?: both

Shoes or Barefeet?: barefeet

Books or Movies?: it depends

Night or Day?: night

Dark or Light?: dark

Mountains or Beach?: both

Snow or Sun?: snow

Pepsi or Coke?: sweet tea

Guys or Girls?: guys

Swim or Surf?: swim

For or Against

Gay Marriage?: all for it love is love

Abortion?: in certain circumstances

Bush Getting Re-elected?: fuck no

Suicide?: never

War?: only for protection from that which is completely understood

Pants?: yes

Clothes In General?: i prefer nude but when i must wear them i do

Penises?: I love them


Color?: blue and green

Number?: 7

Holiday?: Halloween

Season?: fall

Movie?: Tombstone

Book?: Clan of the Cave Bear

Magazine?: Gothic Beauty

Food?: Italian

Drink?: green tea with honey

TV Show?: ghost hunter, csi, and many others

Song?: alot

Band?: alot

Computer Game?: 7 wonders

Video Game?: none

Anime/Manga?: none

Shirt?: stripped

Pants?: blue

Actor?: i like so many

Actress?: I like so many

Singer?: alot

Flower?: Tulips

Scent?: Night Blooming Jasmine

Animal?: Tigers

Cookie?: oatmeal rasin

The Future

Want To Go To College?: yes

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: a paranormal and abnormal psychologist

Want To Get Married?: i am married

Want To Have Kids?: i have two kids

What Would Their Names Be?: samantha and Jon

How Many?: 2

Where Do You Want To Live?: right now is fine

Where Do You Want To Get Married?: already have

How Do You Want To Die?: peacefully of old age

More Stuff About You

Piercings?: yes my tounge

Tattoos?: not yet

Smoke?: no

Drink?: very little

Do Drugs?: no

Skinny Dip?: no not anymore

Greatest Fear?: clowns

Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate

Go To Church?: no

Religion?: pagan

Scars?: alot

CDs Owned?: quite a few

Collections?: a few

Like To Be Naked?: sure

Ever Eaten Sushi?: allergic

An Entire Case Of Oreos?: never

Been On Stage?: yes

Danced In The Rain?: yes

Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: no

Weirdest Dream?: dont wish to reveal it

Best Dream?: um it was sexual

Saddest Dream?: the death of my hubby

Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: the one i carry in my heart

Think You're Attractive?: every once in a while

Shoplifted?: never

Been Caught "Doing Something"?: of course

Weirdest Makeout Place?: under the stairs

Like Thunderstorms?: no

Favorite Shoes?: crocs

Favorite Quote?: it aint nothing but a thing, only a cake walk.

Best Advice Given?: look to yourself for the deepest understanding needed

Worst Advice Given?: go full force and never look back

Favorite Song Lyric?: I never promised you a rose garden

What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: sometimes there just arent enough rocks

Glad This Is Over?: fuck yes



17:42 Oct 05 2008


i did one and also was bloody glad it ended:)



16:58 Oct 05 2008
Times Read: 706

Today is a much better day other than the headache. Nothing has fallen apart today, the car is still down because the battery is dead and no money to get another one. All in all today is better. I think finally I will have enough energy to clean my house and do laundry. Tonight I am making chicken and noodles. I still miss him and that will never change. Everyone says that time heals all, I dont think so I just think it makes it easier but the pain truly never goes away.




a rough day

01:08 Oct 05 2008
Times Read: 714

well today started rough and got worse. Today is the anniversary of my fathers passing. He was my rock and my best friend. I always thought that he would be there, I never thought anything would get to him. Cancer took his life from us, I am grateful that he is no longer in pain but I think one pain was exchanged for another. I miss him so very much. everything i have done today has turned into shit. The car broke down, the kids had fits, and many other things. perhaps tomorrow will be a better day for me and my family. I changed a great deal after his passing and I am not sure how to get my sense of self back.



01:29 Oct 05 2008

I'm so sorry hun, wish I could do something to make it better *hugs*

13:08 Oct 05 2008


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