As I sink bellow the calm waters of the sea, my mind fills up with the emotions and thoughts of the past, present, and future. My thoughts begin to surround me, circling me as I sink deeper into the darkest part of my mind. I can see my thoughts, they taunt me, pulling me deeper into insanity. I look up thru the dark waters, searching for some ray of hope. Not knowing if I will ever be saved. There, I see you, in a little wooden boat floating right above me. I can hear your voice in the distance, calling my name. I cant hear you very well. I try to call out to you, let you know that I am right here. But you don’t hear my voice. I wait for a sign, anything to let me know you are here to save me. There it is, your hand out stretched down thru the water to grab me. But I am too deep, you are unable to reach me. If there was only some way for me to get to you. I struggle to reach the surface. But I cannot move, my thoughts have a hold of me, dragging me deeper into the darkness. I kick and try to scream, but no sound escapes my lips. Will I be able to reach you? Could I save myself? Will you always be there for me? Well those are the questions I do not have the answers for!
Created by: JEH-SICKAH
As I sit in this hard and most uncomfortable chair. My mind wonders, leading me astray, drifting deeper into insanity. The thought of you is buried deep into my darkened mind, your piercing dark eyes torment my thoughts. I fall deeper into the abyss that is my mind. I scream but no sound escapes my lips. My white dress is stained with crimson red from the blood that pours from my chest, where my heart once was. There you stand, strong and silent, your hand out stretched, clinching my beating heart. Your eyes burn with the flames of hell. With a maniacal laugh, you torment my soul. Laughing louder as you watch me fall deeper into my insanity. Gripping tighter on my heart as I reach out for your hand to be saved. But no hope for that. I try to save myself from the inevitable fate that you have sealed for me. Attempting to kick my feet, but realize they are bound together by doubt. My arms now chained and shackled by my pathetic existence. My mouth gagged due to the restlessness of my soul. As I sink deeper into the nothingness of my darkened mind, I fear that there is no hope for me ever again. So I give up and stop trying. My soul has been tormented for many years. Soon a day will come when I can be free of this torment. I know it is time for a change. I must learn to move on, and accept defeat.