i was not planning on writing the next chapter to my book for a month but if you want more i shall give it ask and you shall receive.
so do you want more the most famous of all frazes is mine want more ask
this was inspired by someone on this site so here goes does anybody know what a vampire is like? i know alot of you out there say you believ and want to meet one well good luck they're very few of us left and we are split into groups you've got the tepesh vampire you got the lilith vampire the demonic vampire and me the phycick vampire. and not all vampires are pleasant im opne of the few who has met a vampire and lived to tell the tale vampires are an evil creature born long ago just like us just a diferent species well thats it for now if anyone else believes they met a vampire msg me untill then go with the morning sun and rise once mor at dusk
hey listen to this one. i heat with a wood stove and just like an hour ago i was standing by it getting warm and i bumped in to it with my left knee burning my self so now i got this big bubble on my knee that hurts something fearce. what a way to be clumsy right right bye the waydid you know that milk is great for burns it stops it from blistering as bad nice little trick right reall works too
ok i'm a sorceror but that doesn't mean i can't give up a few secrets but im not gonna do it unless a few people ask for them first ask and you shall recive
has any one ever heard of a champion prize fighter walking away from a fight?
I did last night and that is not like me. it's not like i was scared it was just not worth it i didn't want to hurt the poor kid. he was about six foot and built up but he didn't have the look of a fighter at all. now for all the other fighters out there just remember to be carefull who you pick on it's the small guys you got to worry about and there is always someone better then you out there and he will find you always. enough rambling for now
any body know about rain? they say it only rains when the spirits are crying. well they've been crying all day today and frankly i don't know what is worth crying for, for that long lol j/k. most spirits are sad anyway don't know why but they got that unholy saddness about them and it's well sad ok enough for now, i'll right later
it's been said that you can see into the souls of man by looking in there eyes well i guess i don't have a soul then Cuase i've looked into my own eyes and see nothing but emptyness where life should be. it's said that im cold and have no emotions which isn't far from the truth i mask my emotions they're for me not anybody else but still emtyness is lonlyness which i have both thats all for now
i just recently relized that life isn't as easy as i had hoped it would be. no money problems. but with my personal life always a problem there, just relized im in love with a girl and guess what. the thing that everybodey fears she doesnt lov me back and she doesn't know that im in love with her either. not like it isn't odvious,but oh well it happens i'll figure something out eventually