pale roamer through the night? thou poor, forlorn, remorse that man on his death-bed posses. who in the credulious hour of tenderness, betrayed, then cast thee forth to want and scorn? the world is pityless; the chaste one,s pride, mimic of virture scowls on thy destress; thy loves and they that envied thee deride, and vice alone will shelter wretchedness? oh i could weep to think that there should be, cold-bosomed lewd ones, who endure to place, fowl offerings on the shrine of misery. and force from famine and cares of love; may he shed healing on the sore disgrace.
then swift the soul disenthrall, will memory the past recall. and fear before the victims eyes. bid future ills and dangers rise. when want and cold neglect had chill,d thy soul, a thirst for death i see thee drench the bowl? thy corpse of many a livid hue, on the bare ground i view, whilst various passions all my mind engage; now is my breast distended with a sigh, and now a flash of rage darts through the tear, that glistens in my eye.
whilst vengence drunk with human blood, stands by. or ravening hunger canst thou bear which erst, on it,s own flesh hath fixed the deadly tooth? though oft with horror back i see thee start, lo! hunger drives thee to the unhuman feast. fled till a place of tombs i reached, and there within a ruined sepulchre obscure, found my hiding place. hither, from the recent tomb, the voices had ceased the vision fled; yet still i gasped and reeled with dread. and ever, when the dream of night, renews the phantom to my sight, cold sweat-drops gather on my limbs;