hello i,m martin. i,m from liverpool in england. i,m 39 soon to hit the big 40! some on here may remember me from other accounts, with names, valkyr, grethomer and others even i can,t remember!!haha? i,m 6ft1, about 16 stones. [for the yanks thats about 215 pounds!] i have green eyes, short greying hair, all my own teeth!!hehe. i,m single, sighs. i,m gothic in thoughts, in style, less than i used to be? i still wear black. yet my dandy days are over! i used to have many piercings, yet took them out. my likes are varied. i,m a writer[for my own pleasure] i don,t work but used to work on stage props. i love football[with the round ball] what our american cousins would call soccer!!haha. i,m a cat man, no i haven,t gotten a tail. i just love cats. i also investigate hauntings in my free time. i love old graveyards, i can and regulary spend hours in them, i love it at night! i,m not pyschic, but i do get feelingsin certain circumstances. i,m also a sanguinarian. anyone who doesn,t know what it means ask me ok!hehe?