I stayed up until about 4 in the morning last night. My mind just wouldn't stop working. I'm pretty sure I have ADD, but my Dad refuses to allow me to take any kind of medication. It seems like the only time I focus is when I'm talking to someone. I was constantly pressing the buttons on my phone to see the time, look at messages, anything to try and distract myself. It was also nice to see my glow in the dark stars at night. - I've had this strange feeling to just go out into the forest. I wish I still lived near one. It was right in my backyard. I loved it so much. But now I live in a loud city. Police sirens going off all the time. - I saw a little girl today at the park. She was the tiniest little thing and so pale. She reminded me of this girl I have a crush on. And is it bad that I wanted to be just as tiny as her? To look so frail that I might just shatter like glass if I fell the wrong way? I find it beautiful yet horrifying. I'm thinking of fasting for a few days. I've lost my apetite anyways.
22:39 Mar 31 2012
sorry to hear that