Beauty in the eyes of others but ugly to my self
I roam this town invisible to the population surrounding
starring off in to space an time as woman glare with hatred that fills my head with the thought of
joy an pleasure at their hearts expense
cursing them to live with the constant though of him leaving thous I do not act for I do not care for those men those who take one while eating from another hand like a obedient dog truly sicken me
Those who look someone in the eye a swear they are true those who cheat an take of people what they want before being done they should be put to sleep. No women should have to take them in to their arms an heart. No man should be so uncaring as to cheat.
Dieing a little inside everyday is a blessing 'cause I no longer care for existence
the sickening life I hold here is just a mockery of my suffering an I long to be released from it.
Thous I fill I will not escape the pain I suffer.
Kill me now an bring release to this world of pain
I no longer belong here among the unwashed masses of humanity
their dirtied hands filthy with soil as they plant seeds of dough in to the soles around them
take me know in to the cold embrace of death for life is better with out pain even if it is no life at all.
Cold an clinching my hart throbs at mere thought of you
nearly braking at the sight of you
you've hurt me but don't know it
I love you but cant show it
is this really emotion I feel
is this really what broken means
is this really living?