hay every one thats reading this, yes i know no you are, not you but you. :) today i am asking you if i am crazy?
hay all
when i am lookin in vampire movies i gets some strange feeling, like i dont know... but its feels soo good and woundring now, anyone that know anything about this feeling?
Me as vampire, if i become a vampire i would make the one that turned me so happy i ever can, i would never let her/him down
Didn't ya know your on a site where the majority claim to be Vampire or Vampyre?
If you do not believe to be non human then think of it this way....
Ethnic Group: a group of individuals that share a common heritage or religion or COMMON INTEREST.
Since a rather large group of people have the interest of being a vampire or Vampyre they technically become their own race by this definition. Simply sate you want to be a vampire and many will be able to help.
did you not know its a very personal thing and its not like the movies at all...
there are many kinds of vamps look it up google it ...
then do so before you choose ...
there is a big thing to the attraction of becomeing a vamp and that there might be many a reason for being attracted to the idea but don't be fooled its not like the movies and it will change your life forever ...
there are vamps that drain the energy from people and take there energy for good or bad and maybe they just have to but what ever the reason for sure you are one or not that kind does not come form being sired its from birth..and knowledge of it...
00:15 Jun 03 2010
Law of Attraction?