thebatt's Journal

thebatt's Journal


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20 entries this month

04:52 Jan 31 2008
Times Read: 778

the further festival was wild. friday night i was djing in one of the little side room and actually was spinning by myself. most of the security team was in that little side room, even when they weren't on break. but i love that i know all of the security boys, i get away with things that others can't. *evil laugh*

for sunday night, was just crazy. i got a call from smash, the sound wolf, early in the afternoon saying that neon bunny was desperate to get a hold of me and he lost my number. so i called him and left a message. smash called again, mostly so that he had someone to talk to while he was building some kind of power amp. and we joked that his crew now calls me mighty mouse. they are some of the only people that know just how tiny i really am. so micky mouse ears where a must that night. neon calls and tells me that i've been bumped from the secondary stage to the main stage. SWEET!!! i end up on the phone with 5arah, my wolfy friend dj who was on after me, to make sure that we don't over lap on what we are playing.

i get on site and the sound guys are just cracking up about the mouse ears ;)

i head back stage as the crowd starts showing up. and i was the first dj on decks. when i walked on stage..... the noise from the crowd was all most deffening.... i have never had that in my life.... or just that crazy. the sound guys got the crowd to chant my name.


here's the set:

Paul Har Tnoll with Robert Smith - Please 44 (Culprit 1 Remix)

Tiesto - He's A Pirate

Assemblage 23 - Madman's Dream

Funker Vogt - City of Darkness

Mind Confusion - Vivre Sur Video

Icon of Coil - Dead Enough For Life

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (freestyle mixed with The Warp Brothers and The Orb)

E Nomine - Mitternacht (DJ Neshamah's Lord's Prayer Mix)

Deathline Int'l - Paradise City

The Strand - Hunted



09:00 Jan 31 2008

WOW that would have had you buzzing.


06:30 Jan 30 2008
Times Read: 783

i've been debating something for a while.... my soon to be sister in law has been trying to get me up on http://www.etsy.com with my falls and wigs (and a few other things that i make). i don't know just yet....




06:41 Jan 29 2008
Times Read: 786

i'll do the update soon, but i'm a bit sore right now.... i got puppy pounced big time last night. right on the stage and the photographer was right there snapping photos as it happened. i'll post them if they come out.




21:25 Jan 28 2008
Times Read: 789

last night totally rocked.... i'll write more when i'm a bit more awake.




01:40 Jan 28 2008
Times Read: 795

doing much better, i did get a full apology for what happened.




11:23 Jan 27 2008
Times Read: 797

i have tonight off.... and seeing that i slept most of today and i'm still tired. yeah, long weekend. but so far the shows are going good. last night was wonderful.... well, minus the fact that someone was taken out on a stretcher from one of the other small stages. i don't know what happened, but it was at the one near the room that i was in. (most of the bouncers that where on "break" where in the room that i was spinning, and it's nice when you know the WHOLE bouncer team).

well, i'm on the secondary main stage tomorrow night and seeing that i ran into some dj that didn't even make the bill and was throwing a tantrum about it, it should be very intresting.

and so far, there has been nothing to add to the "rules"




do's and don'ts of how to handle a goth/industrial dj

02:54 Jan 25 2008
Times Read: 804

1. Buying the DJ a drink will get your request on faster, or this seems to work with most.

2. Don't request VNV Nation, when you know that the DJ just played them two songs ago.

3. No Skinny Puppy is not a new band.

4. Do not request Marilyn Manson.

5. Don't whine when the DJ says that he/she doesn't have Peaches and don't just keep requesting it over and over again, if the DJ says they don't have it, they don't have it. It's not going to appear out of thin air if you keep asking for it.

6. Don't ask if you can lick the DJ's tattoos.

7. Yes, David Bowie can cover David Bowie.

8. Don't request Bauhaus "Bela Legosi's Dead". Most goth DJs don't even carry it with them any more.

9. Don't try to have a conversation with the DJ when they are mixing, this pisses them off. If you want to talk, wait until their set is done. Or you have about 30 sec. to say what you need to say.

10. No, you can't come into the booth.

11. There comes a certain time of the night that the DJ will play what he/she wants do so deal with it.

12. Don't hand an old DJ your mix cd to show off how good of a DJ you are. A lot of them actually find this insulting. It doesn't actually show your skills and just shows what you can do with a computer.

13. Just because you know the DJ doesn't mean that you get in for free.

14. Don't hand the DJ your demo cd for your band and expect them to play it then and there. Most will want to spend some time with the music before they spin it.

15. Club Courtesy is a very old tradition and there is honor in letting other DJs from other clubs in for free, but just because you DJ in your basement doesn't mean you get in for free.

16. Don't ask, "Who does this Donnie Darko remix" when the DJ is playing Tears For Fears.

17. Do feed the DJs.

18. If the DJ's hair is interesting, don't just grab it to see it when he/she is DJing.

19. Don't sing a song to the DJ and expect them to know who it is.

20. Don't ever tell a DJ that Avril Lavigne is old school deathrock.

21. Yes, sometime the DJ parents will show up to the event and dance like everyone else.

22. Sometimes the DJ is dating/seeing "that loser in the corner", so be nice to them. You never know.

23. Don't put your camera right in the DJ's face when they are working. Usually DJs don't mind when you take photos of them, but don't get in the way of the music.

24. Keep in mind that some DJs take requests and some don't.

25. Never give a DJ to much to drink because they can't always spin when they are drunk.

26. DJs do bite.

27. Just because you think that you're hot doesn't mean that you're going to get to go home with the DJ.

28. DJ groupies = good. DJ stalkers = bad.

29. There is more to being a DJ then just playing the music. There is a lot of things that you may never see.

30. Don't ask a DJ if you can get on the same bill as they are on just because you want to DJ at that event.

31. Even the DJ can have a bad day.

32. Sometimes when two DJs are tag teaming on the decks, it can degenerate into who can be the dumber DJ.

33. Yes, sometimes a DJ will trick you into dancing to The Beatles or The Rolling Stones.

34. No, Alkaline Trio is not The Sisters of Mercy.

35. Sometimes the DJ can get a hold of music that you can't because of knowing bands and getting their hands on while labels.

36. Some music that we all love hasn't been but on cd yet and some DJs don't have any wax.

37. Bad music is still bad music.

38. Don't request Sean Paul, you're in a goth club. You're not going to hear that.

39. Yes, that was Real Life and it wasn't "Send Me An Angel". They did make more music than that song. Hells, they have a new album out for the gods sake.

40. Some DJ will teach the trade and others won't.

41. Stop requesting prog rock, you're at the wrong place for that.

42. Kissing the DJ can be a good thing, but only if they are single or in an open relationship.

43. Just because you requested a song last week doesn't mean that the DJ remembers who you are.

44. Korn who?

45. A tip can go really far with most DJs.

46. Don't ask the DJ out on a date, just get in line. lol.

47. When the DJ is carrying gear/music from room to room, don't stop them. That stuff is heavy.

48. Even the best DJs in the world, mess up from time to time. No DJ is perfect every single time.

49. A lot of times, what you're hearing is a remix that the DJ is doing there live.

50. "Did you just ask me to spin Hanson?"

51. Don't cry when the DJ says that they don't have the song that you requested. Do you know just how many songs have been recorded in the past 100 years?

52. No The Mamas and The Papas are not A-Pop, nor are they covering A-Pop.

53. No you can't. Yes we can.

54. If the DJ has left the DJ booth during his/her set, get the hell out of the way!

55. Don't try to show off about how much you know about the type of music a DJ is playing. They are paid to know more than you.

56. Dance to the song you request or the DJ won't play your next request.

57. "Did I jut blow a circuit breaker?"

58. When the DJ plays "The Internet is for Porn", it's either time to leave or sing.

59. "Ha! I just had you all dancing to 60's music.

60. "I do listen to more than goth and industrial. Duh."

61. DJs do have day jobs like everyone else. Deal with it.

62. What is up with using DJ's names and logos in graffiti lately?

63. "Give me the shiny!!!!!!!"

64. Just because you know the DJ doesn't mean that you are friends with the DJ.

65. If the DJ is playing Jungle and the floor is packed, don't request Nick Cave's "Red Right Hand" over and over again. Pay attention to what is going on around you.

66. Just because it's your birthday, doesn't mean that the DJ will play your request if it's out of format for the night.

67. Please don't request "Dead Stars"!!! Aren't you sick of that song already? I was the week after it came out.

68. If the DJ is doing predictions over people and they are right even if the DJ has no clue who they are, it's way past time to cut them off from the booze, or it's time to call his/her brother to take him/her home.

69. "Don't piss of the grumpy dragon bouncer. He will eat simply because you are human and in his way."

70. Just because a male DJ and a female DJ are battling on the decks, doesn't mean that they are dating or married.

71. "Dude, you're either on to much drugs or not enough."

72. "It won't go any louder with out blowing up a speaker."

73. "It was so loud, i rattled a light bulb out of the celling."

74. Hanging out with the girl that hangs out with the DJ doesn't make you cool.

75. Just because the DJ shows up to the club in jeans and a "normal" t-shirt just means that they dress like you do.

76. Don't throw a temper tantrum to the headlining DJs for an event because you don't like the promoter and then want them to DJ your party.

77. Don't follow the DJ around when they are at the club. They are working and it makes you look like a stalker.

78. When hiring a DJ for a special event, don't tell the DJ everything that they are going to play that night or you won't have a DJ.

79. Gifts work better then tips.

80. "Yeah, that song has samples from Red Dwarf. What's your point?"

81. Even DJs can be fanboys of other DJs.

82. Sometimes the DJs will work the door. So be really nice to them when they are there, because if you aren't, they won't play any of your requests or they may just have you kicked out all together.

83. Some DJs do double as bouncers.

84. "Hip, hip, get out!!!!"

85. Talking smack about the bartender to the DJ, bad idea. Duh, they are working in the same place.

86. Wearing all black all the time gets a bit boring, that's why DJs are sometime very colorful.

87. Most DJs are a little dorky in some way or another. That's why there is a Star Wars pin on their jacket.

88. "No, I won't play "I Sit on Acid". There's children here."



03:04 Jan 25 2008

xD Ace


07:25 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 809

in court on crazy case in a few weeks. thankfully the dragon lady is bringing in lurch to help out. there is now way that i can take care of the client and do all that paper work at the same time. i may not always get along with lurch, but he is so good at what he does and now that he's in law school this will be good for him. it's taken days for me to get through to pam that this is a good thing and that i'm really happy to have him helping out.




02:20 Jan 24 2008
Times Read: 814

wow.... 935 in two years. i can't believe that many. i knew they where doing it, but my gods.




10:27 Jan 23 2008
Times Read: 821

wow.... what is up with the "rockstars" here right now? seems to be more than a few that are on at the moment....




10:12 Jan 23 2008
Times Read: 822


it's unreal the shear amount of homophobia that you see on the rave..... it's actually really sad to think that it's even here.




18:03 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 823

feeling better, but thankfully my boss gets it and knows about the festival this weekend. so i have today off from work and i'm planning on just sleeping. i need to be at full power by thrus to help with sound set up.




03:18 Jan 22 2008
Times Read: 832

wow.... sick again... and ended up sleeping most of the day. but i know that i can't be sick in a few days. i have the show this weekend.



03:33 Jan 22 2008

Im sorry you are feeling bad again...feel better soon *hugs*

03:44 Jan 22 2008

Hope you get to feeling better.


05:19 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 841

ug.... was supposed to hang out with the castaway boys tonight because marvel girl was back in town.... but now i feel like ass so i'm just going to curl up in and watch daywatch again, or maybe bladerunner.




03:39 Jan 12 2008
Times Read: 844


it's looking like the dragon finally had something good happen to him. but we will see in a few days.

the prep for fc is coming along nicely. overlord is going to be working with me, but i couldn't get silver to help out..... the only thing that he can do is dj, but they don't want him.....




11:26 Jan 11 2008
Times Read: 848


can't sleep again.

but on the upside, i did get the fc gig.




01:11 Jan 08 2008
Times Read: 850

the storm on friday almost took this band.....

the vocalist was in a plane coming in to oakland and parts of the wing was actually flying off (ala, twilight zone). the traffic control was trying to get them in the the air port like that and in over 100 mph wind. had the pilot actually tried to land, that would have been in. but thankfully they ended up in souther ca.




09:44 Jan 07 2008
Times Read: 853

ok, so i'm a total dork about this....

twilight watch is being shot in the u.s. and will be out in 2009. (but i don't know what language it's going to be in)

and the are finally putting out the book last watch in the states!!!!





07:57 Jan 05 2008
Times Read: 858

What Jean Means

You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you.

You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries.

You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.

You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.

You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.

You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.

You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.

You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.




09:39 Jan 02 2008
Times Read: 865




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