I am taking my little girl and my parents on a much needed little vacation this weekend. I can't wait. We are going to go to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. They are having a dinosaur exhibit this summer.
My little girl loves dinosaurs. We have all the Jurassic Park movies, the Land of the Lost DVD set, Seasons 1 to 3 (the old one), Godzilla and the Land Before Time DVDs. I can't be she loves those movies. She could wach them all day long if you'd let her.
I will post some pics when I get back.
Well I have been learning how to make fractals. I found a few free programs on the net and have been spending some time seeing what I can do with that. I am not that good, but I really like what I have done.
I will put some in my portfolio. I am going to have to re-size them though.