well i took a year off from VR..........had VR Burn Out.....i would come on once a week and check on things for @ 2min or if i got a message from Cindy or Ozzy to tell me i was needed for something.
i was lucky enough to have 2 great ACM to take over for me while i decided what i needed to do.
now that i have my life all in order and things are starting to settle down again i decided it was time to come back here too.
i am very happy with my life right now. I will be married 1 year in June to the most wonderful man ever. He spoils me everyday ..... he says that i should be treated like a queen every day to show how much love he has for me... i am not going to argue that is for sure hehe. So i live in Michigan now and love it here........we live on 5 acres right on water.....it is so pretty.
i miss Colorado and all my friends there.......we still keep in touch and hopefully going to visit soon but never seem to have the time.
i am not working right now which is weird for me to be off so long but Tom wanted us to have time together and not have to worry about his work and my work getting in the way........so we have been spending a lot time traveling around and in the summer it was mostly spent on the lake
I cant believe all the changes to VR since i have been gone......all the sires and all the covens
i was one of the first 10 Sires and back then it was so hard to get............and LRN was the first Coven followed by thebatts.........robins..........fiz and hawks.....
those are the only original ones left.....there is a couple more i think but they have new Coven Masters to them
even the Houses there is only 2 orginal Masters to them.........all the rest have 2nd and more new ones since they started.
*sigh* even all the old orginal members are not around.............i have been looking at profiles and some have not been on for a year or more
when i look in the Vampbox i dont see anyone i even know anymore and sometimes there is no one in it.........in the earlier days we lived in the box..............mind you i was on probably @12 hours a day ....................but i knew everyone and everyone knew me.......
we were all like a family.....we all hung out together in the box no matter what house or coven you were from
i see one thing that has not changed and i dont think it will ever change either is the drama is still here...............but the nice thing about it now.....................i am not part of it lol.................i love the feeling of coming on here and not knowing any of it and i dont want to know any of it........
i have a non stress life right now and i intend to keep it that way lol
anyeay i have done babbling for now lol
20:17 Apr 02 2010
glad your back. and missed you so.
03:51 Apr 05 2010
The Super Six Covens I remember that. Huzzah I was mentioned. Funny though that Robin, Hawk and I are part of the same alliance. Seems so fitting. We should try to get yours to join.
So I don't know if this means your back but if you are welcome back.