My seven deadly sin roars through my eyes.
Watching everyone strut without realize.
It hurts to know of the best.
Actually believeing your less.
Ears burning from the words of honesty.
Hating that it's them
and its not me.
Wanting and uring for the things I see.
Why, oh why, am I full of envy?
Reaching for a relationship from a movie or book.
Memorizing the lines, the glances, the looks.
Not trusting my fate in the way it is headed.
A life without excitement and love is completely dreaded.
Breaking myself down.
Tears curroding my flesh.
My heart crumbling from the weight of the stress.
I brush them away in attempt to hide.
Making sure no one knows I have cried.
Envy rips thrrough my tortured mind.
Sometimes I wish,
I was blind.