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17:16 Nov 04 2005
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fire heart

Heart of Fire

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
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You're a Romantic goth...(Go you!) Your beauty is

beyond belief, and you have a quiet, and

nurturing understanding for everything, and

everyone around...and perhaps, you have a

fondness for vampires aswell?

What Common Gothic Stereo-type Are You?
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The world is cruel, fate is bitter and there's noplace for you anymore. Your thoughts can oftenlead to, 'Why live when I feel like dying ?Yours is an illness of sorrow.

What's Your Disorder ?
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Dark love

You're fated to have a Dark love.Probably a lover of things gothic, you'reartistic and original. Although you are a lonerand independent to a fault, all you will needis him, and he will feel the same...



Your death will be suicide....Most likely becausepeople won't except you or love you or becauseyou hate life itself...You have constentthoughts of suicide daily....and you plan whenyou will. Someday it will happen....You mostlikely die alone in your house...with nothingbut dark music playing. You'll probably write asucide note and die right by your bed side....

How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
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The Sensual Vampire


Rhiakath is your Vampire name.

You are an image of the Vampire Lestat. You loveyourself, and rightly so, because you areclever, witty, sexy, and very cunning.

What is your Vampire name?
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You need understanding.In your life there has been many people thatcould never seem too comprehend yourpersonality. Now you have either become anout-cast because of their narrow minds or youhave adjusted yourself to them, and neverletting them see who you are deep inside. Younow think that no one will ever understand youand you hate that fact. Though you are scaredof what the effects might be if you woulddecide to let someone in so you keep a safedistance that you both curse and bless.

What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics]
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Take the quiz: "How well do you really know the book, The Queen of the Damned?"


You are a believer. You know Anne Rice novels inside and out, especially The Queen of the Damned, the third book in the Vampire Chronicles series. You know that many people just think they know what it was all about and the movie was a horrendous adaptation. You know your vampires, what the Story of Akasha was really all about. I commend you. Finally someone who knows more than who played 'that sexy dude who sung on stage'. Christ. It's not about the movies. The Books were better, and as far as we are concerned, Anne Rice is a goddess.




You've probably studied loads of different religions, but you're just not sure if any of it is true. Evolution makes some sense to you, but it doesn't satisfy you. Lastly, your personality is one of question, but you won't go out of your way to find -The Truth- It's more of a hobby.



Marilyn Manson and Paris Hilton are your parents.You're a very lucky one indeed, your parentsare both beautiful and lovley people. Your dadis a mega rock idol, and your mom is one of thehottest chicks on the planet. Woo hoo! Go you! *note* i mylself would kill my mum given a chance if she were Paris Hilton as long as i'dget the moneys

Who are your Celebrity Parents?
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Take the quiz: "What Kind Of Morbid Are You?(Pics+Plz Rate)"

Cute Morbid

You seem sweet and innocent on the outside. But you're sick in twisted inside that head of yours and you know it.


I adopted a cute lil' gothy fetus

from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!


Borderline:Very High
Avoidant:Very High
Dependent:Very High
-- Personality Disorder Test ---- Personality Disorder Information --


How evil are you?



Vampire: A creature of the night, you feed off theblood of human beings to survive. You oftentimes feel like an outsider looking in on theliving. Just on the edge, but never fully apart of the life you left behind when you whereembraced. You are a predator, and people areyour prey. You have all the time in the worldto plan out your un-life, but your sensationsare a pale mockery of what you once had in allthings save one, the feeding, the embrace, thefeel of blood as it flows into your body tosustain you. It is the one thing that you canfeel fully, and you cling to it.


Revenge killer

You kill for revenge.
That is because you have lost something orsomeone you held very dear. Now you can't seemto get over the loss that marked your soul, andthe only solution is to go after the one personwho brought all this pain to you. Chances areyou are angry inside and you bottle everythingup and don't talk to anyone about it. Peoplemay want to help, but you think that they cannever understand your pain and only getfrustrated because of this. But it is importantto see all that you have left and be thankfulof that even if you have lost something great.It may not be true that Times heals all wounds,but with time and talking about your feelings,maybe the hurt will ease.

Main weapon: Yourself

Quote: "You can close your eyes toreality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J.Lec

Facial expression: Gritted teeth andteary eyes



You are the Bride of Valentine. You hold your heartin your hand, a broken heart that has beendamned.


You aren't sure where you came from. Perhaps your sire did an embrace and run. Or maybe your sire was an outcast himself. Either way, your powers are unique and really don't belong to any clan...or maybe a little from each. Because you of these circumstances, you aren't really sure where you belong. You tend to wander and do a bit of soul searching in your eternal life. Maybe some day...you have a while after all.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?


If i was a serial killer i would be Richard Ramirez. The Night Stalker "a madman whose lust for killing and depravity equaled, if not surpassed, that of Jack the Ripper"

Over the course of a few months Richard Ramirez would go on to rape, sodomize and murder over 16 people in the Los Angles area. Viciously stabbing or shooting his victims, Ramirez would go as far as gouging out their eyes and stabbing their chests repeatedly to the point of complete mutilation. Basing his murders around satanic rituals,he would scrawl demonic pentagrams around the victims home's he would break into at random.

Kill count: 16

Find what serial killer you would be, Take the Serial Killer Quiz now!


Dark Dragon are evil things, who swoop around, plucking unsespecting victims...

Your a Dark Dragon! Ok, yes, not very nice. Your evil, spiteful, malicious, and just darn bad.You like to see others in pain, or cause it. Im sorry to say, but you scare me. Fly around somewhere...err, far away.


Black Goth

You Are A Black Goth. You Are Evil And Only Depend On Your Self.



You are naturally born with a gift, whether it bepoetry, writing or song. You love beauty andcreativity, and usually are highly intelligent.Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yetalso bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.



?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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You are the Spirit of Anger. You are every inch the bad girl. Something happened to make you soangry and you need to channel it out, if anyonegets in your way, they're in for a big shock.Friends are not essential for you, you don'tcare whether they're there or not. But if youdo have friends they will be the most loyal forit takes a lot to become your friend. Youattract people to you, so a partner is notrouble but if they can't handle you thenthey're out the window.

Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
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Ice element

Your element is Ice. This element may seem a littleodd, but this is a side-effect from when theelement of Water gets to hurt. Once you were acontent soul, and happy with life. But thensomething happened. Not necessarily on one day,it probably happened gradually over time. Youlost your will to care and became even morereserved from the world. People had hurt you inways you do not want to remember and now youisolate yourself from them. You have turnedinto an outsider and probably dress more inblack than you used to. Your depression iseating you up and tearing you apart and theworst part is that no one is willing to help,or so it seems. In school you are often byyourself or one single friend and you rarelyseem to be truly happy anymore. Your sad,distant eyes and constant frown seems glued toyour face and you need a saviour from thisworld. You may turn to music for understandingand sing/scream along in the lyrics to get ridof some pain. You are not very open about yourproblems to your family/friends, and wish thatthey would just notice it and make it go away

What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!]
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Take the quiz: "Should you be a VAMPIRE?"

Yes....You are perfect.....WOW! we have a regular Dracula on our hands! You have everything the sins, the girls/guys, the blood, and the mystery!yay! how i envy you...just joking.


??Which colour of Death is yours??
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Take the quiz: "What is your Paranormal gift?"


Ooohh.. Spirits and ghosts capture your attention? Going through walls, things passing through you.. how else to freak others out when they try to shake your hand? Of corse, you may feel invisable at times if you've let things pass through you too much and may just want something to touch or hurt you. Try not to let that happen and live a little, you Phantom.



the sad teen. Everything in life is f*ckin'miserable. You constantly look over your shoulder and wonder who is judging you...evenwhen you are alone. So naturally, you havebecome a little paranoid and pessamistic. Yourpersonality can be one demensional butconfusing. You are constantly bored with lifeand wish that something could spice it up. Youhave a unique view on life and have identifiedthe problems with school society (Ex...whatmakes popular people, how the student mindworks...) You would rather be alone because youhate being hurt. You tend to think that no oneunderstands you, not even your parents /guardians / friends. But that is just theopposite! The people who love you want tohelp, but they don't know how because they havea feeling that they will say something wrongand turn you away. You have to let them knowthat you are willing to hear what they have tosay...and it might do some good to listen tothem.

Some fields you might consider goingin when you are older...Judge, author,songwriter, producer, therapist, psychologist,philosopher, or forensic scientist. You need ajob where you can express yourself and yourviews on life. Or you need a field where youcan judge others and predict what is going onin others life. Either way... you have thepersonality to get you a good job that willsupport you throughout life.

What type of teenager are you?
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I'll bet you expected this answer. You already knewyou were a DARK ANGELIC, didn't you? Youare similar to a demon but slightly differentin that you don't revel in evil...you revel inpleasure. Your wings resemble an angel's but ifthat's so then you are a Fallen Angel - yourlove of sin caused you to be cast from theHeavens. They are black as raven wings and arenearly as dark as your desires. You arefaithless and love it - you believe there is noJudgement Day to fear and so you can do whatyou want! You have a refined concept of what issexy and a slightly chaotic sense of 'fun.' Infact, you love chaos and view much of what youdo as a game. You are typically attracted tothose that will challenge your mind, power, andwit...and are 'dangerous' people like you. It'snot unlikely that you are bisexual or at leastopen to the concept, because you seekexcitement and passion everywhere and ineveryone. Chances are you have a special talentfor magick - you're a powerful being and youknow what you want. Like a Serpent of Eden youlike to try your powers of seduction andmanipulation, though your intent is rarely tocause harm. You have a deep, dark sense of artand/or poetry, because your mind is a deep,dark place. While typically smirking, amused,and sarcastic, you are capable of severerevenge and a passion and intensity unrivaledby any other. In your eyes life is forenjoyment and pleasure - nothing else. Ifyou're not having fun in your own twisted way,you're not happy. You are easily bored with thevast majority of people. You are most likelydrawn towards the Gothic subculture andprobably adore Goth music, art, and style. Manypeople look down on your seemingly carelesslifestyle and may even consider you 'slutty'.Not true. You just know you're sexy and you'redamn proud of it. Dark Angels have an outlookmost like Satanists - loving sin and looking tonone but themselves for power. Congratulations!You're my kindred spirit. As far as I'mconcerned - you know what life is REALLY about.Have fun...Muahaha.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
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