this is going to sound really weird maybe but ya know what i dont care
what happened to people with good old school morals man...everyone just throws shit around now days like its nothing...likethe word love..
hmm i've only said it to two people but i really thought i was in love
and justtoday i was talking to my brother who was talking about his ex gf and he's like no one wants her cause she dont put out...wtf...
my brother is 14...wow!
Everyone just throws promises around too...like they dont mean anything wtf is wrong with everyone today...this shit prolly sounds so hypocritical but i dont care this is whats really going threw my head
My ex bf what the perfect gentle man i mean he stood up for all this morals...I was the first girl he'd ever said he loved and i was the first he'd kissed or had sex with...what happened to shit like that?