I want to change my hair color too dark. which would be the best brand to use that won't faid?
Im terrified of dieing. especially old and alone. And living behind my little boy even when he will be a man. Its it silly?
I find the ideal of a mermaids fascinating. but are they real.
sometimes I have a feeling right before I fall a sleep that I'm floating toward the ceiling. What could that be?
I been having a dream over and over again . Its the same dream exactly. What those that mean?
sometimes I read some of the forums. I dislike when people pulling post under with comments saying it should be a poll. especially when they are really interesing. And no those weren't my creations Im not good at them so I don't post if I don't have a outstanding ideal.
Anyone of you seen good movie latly? I finished all of the supernatural seriouse. the vampire diaries. and twighlight.
any other good once out there?