Just because some nutcase who happened to live in the US killed him doesn't make all of the USA responsible for his actions. That is just loony in my viewpoint. I don't like to see anyone harmed even though I didn't much care for Lennon and I was alive in the 60s. Public figures are always the target for those who are a little unhinged here or in the UK. He wasn't our responsibility to guard. This could have happened anywhere and that guy could have gotten on a plane and followed him if he had the resources because he was a fanatical fan who should have been in a mental institution but not all who have obsessions get locked up. He isn't the first person who wanted to become famous by killing his idol here or anywhere else. I find it insulting when people blame the USA for actions of individuals who are not known until they commit a crime. Other things are part of governmental workings and has nothing to do with the common man here. This is why Occupy is going on. No we don't have a King and Queen siphoning off our money, we have elected officials and we are trying to do something about it but to be responsible for a musical person, that's just silly.
One of the saddest days I can remember
some people here obviously fail to get the humor of your journal entryies even when speaking of such a tragedy... Ban them I say Ban them all ;)
Ohhhh yessss.... an anyone being 'surpised' should NOT be surpriZed to find themselves banned as well hehe
No I feel it is wrong to have unprotected sex then be able to take a pill to fix it ... only those who have been done wrong like raped should be allowed to get this pill...
This is just sad... If you can't be bothered to protect yourself during sex you should have your female organs should be ripped out of you....
Do keep in mind - only abstinence is 100% effective at birth control. Using combined methods is more effective than only one (definitely more than none, granted), but this can still fail.
And - a radical hysterectomy because you neglected birth control? Really? How rational is that?
I'm not advocating terminating a pregnancy as a method of birth control - that is ludicrous. An abortion in whatever form is not a band-aid fixit. Just ... Oh, hell. never mind. This is a hot-button issue for too many folk. I don't want to end up in some acrimonious and over-dramatic debate.
Carry on. Apologies.
I agree. It only takes a couple seconds to put a condom on, but regret over an incurable disease will probably last a lifetime.
Please don't call Americans "Yanks" it is considered derogatory and outdated. Look at the language here. No one would have used the f word publicly when people had morals. The fact that teens think nothing of sleeping together shows how society has eroded. Nothing more to say.
wow I think someone has it in for Brits??? LMAO ... have they bothered to notice you are engaged to a 'yank' 0.o
just don't wax lol it hurts like hell
if you want to read and laugh, check my Serenity journal, its a long story of: do not wax lol
enjoy :)
18:17 Dec 10 2011
hmmmm yea have this problem alot