how do u know that u can trust that person ur falling in love with? when the past keeps coming back to haunt u. what do u do when u cant run away from ur problems. and if i do try to run away does that make me a weak person? im so confused, scared, and lost...
17:27 Apr 24 2010
the past is memorize of what has happened and makes us choose a different path for ur future. It makes us strong and secure of what we accomplish in the time that is. believe in you and all will come to pass.
17:04 May 05 2010
Trust, like Love, ... takes time, time to truly know the person, the good and the bad, and for that person to know you. And time, also, for trust to be built between you both... layer upon layer... to see whether the other person is, well, trustWORTHY. Only after that person has proven by their actions and by their treatment of you again and again that they are worthy of trust should trust... and love... be given.
Until such time, you're can't know whether that person is trustworthy... or simply trying to get on your good side for their own self-serving purposes.
Until such time, you are not truly "falling in love," but instead... falling in infatuation. Two hugely different emotional states!
Best Wishes to you!
- Upir'