A Rose moments before she dies wilts. As her petals fall one by one around the bud vase that holds her tall. I know because I've been The Rose as you hold me close .Only to know that when you leave me . I will fall one by one like "The Rose".
Why is it that for some of us Death of the physical body is a welcomed thing? But when a loved one dies we allways are saddened by the loss? WE try to keep those we love here and close to us. For me my death will be a welcomed thing. I will be happy to die . So, That I will suffer no more. I will not see my loved ones suffer around me being helpless, not able to comfort them. My heart breaks each time I see them suffer. I care not for my own suffering and losses . But, for them I want better . I don't want them to feel the Pain, Hurt Or Loss. All , I can do Is Tell them each and everyday How much I love them. I try to remember That....."WE Are Not Promised A tomorow" Every time some one you love leaves you and walks out your door , or hangs up the phone you may never get a chance to say to them "I Love You" . SO, tell them each day how much you love them and how much you care. And If nothing else you will never have to live with a doubt in your mind that they know how you feel about them... TO YOU MY FAMILY I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART !!! AND To All My Friends "I LOVE YOU AS WELL"