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ideals on how this site is run

07:18 Sep 25 2007
Times Read: 683

"If you do not understand the underlying concepts behind forced induction you should not be a member of Vampire Rave.


Jan 09 2006"

i am sorry but i had to put this down. my thoughts on these words said above is very WRONG. no one has the right to say you dont belong if you dont well lets say

"kiss ass so you can be full of shit up to your eyes."

there is a lot of things on this rv site that should not be said, i would hate to have the leader of this vr site to be ruler of this nation. the dictator on this site is like many evil ones out there in 3rd world countries. only see one way and that is their way only. i dont see as a people person, ro something like a "good side bed manner, like for a nurse should be."

there is too many rules that make it as orders to be forced to live by. i think there shoud be more rights for the people. i dont see anything on here for the people. i have met some people who feel ths same way as i do but say nothing, but i could not let it be slient. i have to write what i feel and i am doing so.

if someone pays to be on this site they should have MORE RIGHTS to them to protect them from a bad dictator who acts like bin laden. do we really want to be told what to do rather than have freedome of speech and right to be in a club or not. this is a lawsuit waiting to happen for paid members, i just hope i am here to see it.





Humans who want to see death

06:31 Sep 25 2007
Times Read: 684

well tonight i got a phone call from a client/fake friend. his sister call my house at 9pm and said that her brother was going to kill himself cause he lost his job and cant see his daughter.

1 he is healthy body

2 he can work anywhere, there is a lot of places in town that need people. BUT he does not want any job. being picky when he has bills to be paid.

3 drinks beer & spends all his money on beer with his so called "real best friends."

and a few days ago he came over and telling me how nice i have my stuff to make music and he wish he had what i had.

4 he thinks i got this over night when it really taken me 14 years of fucking hell and pain to get where i am at now and no one help me but my folks were there by my side but i did it on my own.

well he was okay when he left, well tonight he told his mother good bye and told his daughter he loved her and to keep his music alive

5 he has no music, he never made a cd not even a song just writing on paper, fuck!! a lot of humans has paper with words of their feelings nothing fucking new on this.

anyhow he made his mom cry and his sister worried as shit and said he anyone comes over he was going to stab himself, so i said to the sister lets just go over there and before we show up in his door we should call the fire department and drive in with them and if her hurts him self well back up will be there ready to take over. well his room mate came home and she called the cops on him and found him on the floor piss drunk, well he called his two drinking friends and they came over to pick him up and bought more beer to get wild and have a make orgy i guess. and his sister can hear him in the background talking like nothing had happen.

so all that shit he made him mom feel and then takes off and i got all ready to go over then he takes off, well when i see him again which i know he will be back, i am going to tell him to never come over my home ever again and if he cries wolf, well dont bother me with your shit. and i am going to tell him sister what i am going to say so that he dont tell no lies to his mother.

aint that the stupid shit, you cry for help then you get up and go by beer and get your negative friends and get drunk.

i hope when i pass my main test to become a reverend councilor i hope i dont come across people like that, i cant waste my time on someone who really does not know what pain and suffering is really about. and the boy is healthy body and mind, he was in the Navy went awhol 4 times and got kick out of the navy for not showing up and not do anything he was told.. should of sent his ass in the Marines to kick his fucking ass and make him a real man and not a piss ass kid. hell i am no one and i have bigger balls than he will ever have in a life time, this shit burns me,

good fucking night world,





pist off at fuken apes in house

15:30 Sep 17 2007
Times Read: 687

sometimes humans are just fucking stupid when they dont think before they speak. i mean how fucking hard is it to think. its not like your going to freaken die or a sin if you think. people are able to fuck with out thinking very much at all, all they care about is themselves. but when it comes to speaking with someone with a calm simple tone and not be ready to shoute bullets at you then things would be better in the world and at home.

like for instance, i said to my mother "thank you for putting ice in the tray." i said this to her cause a few days ago i said "who ever is last with the ice, will that person please put more ice in there and not leave it empty, thanks." well the whole fucking monkeys i live with i tell them thank you for putting ice in this day and they started to complain like well we are doing things and forget," but oh they are not too busy to get ice and take a drink. which during that time they could of just add more and go from there. but they feel it is askin too much. there is two trays of ice. one is i buy the ice from a store, the other tray is ice from the freg. the ice from the freg was their ice and they never liked the ice from the store, well out of nowhere these fucking apes started to love the ice which i dont mind them eating it but please refill the fucking tray. and that there is to far complex for them to handle but fucking is not complex what the fuck am i not seeing here? this is rage day for me so thank you so damn much. bye




friendly or not, that is the question?

07:05 Sep 15 2007
Times Read: 688


how can i start this, humm.......well still have not meet many people or how ever they wish to be called in here. the only real member is felix, he is about the best friend a person could ever have. the rest of the house really dont talk to me, i dont know why they pick me, i rate and wrote the leader and she i think it is a she, never written back or ever a fare rate back. meeper is another good person as well but as far as that there is no one else. i have gotten good rates from people but they dont write nothing, all they give is a stamp. i really dont think most read. even though i read everyone who has rated me so far, if i miss anyone i am sorry, some i just return the stamp with another stamp and just forget who they are in all. anyhow, i have meet more people who are down to earth friendly at Burger King. maybe BK should have a website and make up a place like this, i am sure you will find friendly people there who share the same thing, the love of a burger hold the the mustard.




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