helllo world, as you can see a club has taken me in. i dont know why they pick me, would be nice to know the reasons, but i guess i will never know. but i am happy there and i hope this will be my home for as long as i am here. but to know you can be traded or kick, your home can be taken from under you and fall to your knees and end up in hell, i am already done some time in hell but i guess another hell is added to the list if that ever happens.
thur. i go to see the doctor. i had a yeast infection from medications that was given to me for my prostate problem. it was hell to have that, i never know what it could do to a male. it was freaken hell to live a normal life with this illness. but now its gone but i want to stay onemore week with this med's to make sure the yeast does not come back..
next in my mission. is my prostate. i have lots of pain when i use the restroom and the pain is really bad, it feels like your insides is turning inside out and makes you fall to the ground. so we have to find another doctor to see if they can help me cause the doctor i seen she said there is nothing she can do, the only thing she could do for my pain is stick her finger up my ass every month to push down the prostate, if i wanted that i would turn gay not that i dont hate gays but the ideal of a finger in me everymonth is not a happy way to live.
after that,
i have to see a special doctor for my sugar levels, it hit 547, it never went that high and they say once your hit 600, your in the for sure danger zone and anything can happen anytime which scares me. i could see death or lose a body part. and i dont want that..
there is so much more i have to check on more blood test to check for tumors, and i want a mri done to see how much of my muscle is dead and how much is alive and check on my white cells.
well, thats it that is going on for now, i will be back again. if anyone reads this, thank you for your time, it means a lot to me when someone puts their time in, let me know so that i can return the favor, take care,
dvon and spooker
well the end of the month is almost here and just about time for college again but i am doing the net cause of my illnesses i have and mental status is not very well, i have to do everything at home where it is safe for me and of others.
i a kind of nervous cause its going to be on religion and i have to learn the bible kind of well if not well then i am in a hell hole,
this is make it or break it kind of thing and i dont want to break it so i am going to push ass and really get dirty with studies, i hope i can count on my friends i have to give me an output on what they feel and think about religion and society, for they hold the key to my answers to be a better person in order to help others when my time comes to help others on the field.
i think in winter term i am going for my music minor and go ahead and get that out of the way just in case i am needed i know what the hell i am doing. i have all the equipment i can ever need and very powerful so no prob in that area,
well i better go and i shall write when i get my books and give you an ideal of the crap they gave me to use to study with and give you my ideals on what i am learning so maybe someone out here can tell me different two or more eyes are better than one right? right.. okay see ya at the other side,
so now,
i skip dinner. i had no lunch i had only one egg.ham and chesse breakfest sandwhich. i had lots of liquids. why should i eat tonight out of al the nights ahead of me? does it make a difference to the world if i eat or not? do it make a difference to the goverment if i die or live? i mean thats one less number to not worry about in this nation and this world. i make no difference in anyones life. no one will cry or miss me if i was to be gone. maybe my kitty will miss me a little but he will be find after a month or less. is death the answer to life? we all are going to die, so why not now than later? do we all make a difference? maybe some do but not everyone.? sometimes i need to tell myself to "fuck off" and just rot.......
i will be gone and i will also check in from time to time. i had some ink put in me and if i work on my computer i will get cream all over my computer so i wont on here as much. so everyone sit down or stand up or lay down but get your self ready for when i get back i will be back and ready to rock and roll, so cya and take care,
tonight i wrote la ink to kat von d. i told her my story and what i wanted done and why. i sent a picture of who i want and a pic of me. so i have to see if she writes back and then from these if she says yes i will go in sept 3rd to get the tat and have her sign it and take a few pictures with her if i am lucky i really love her she reminds me of one of my lovers in my past name sandra i miss her, well we will see what will happen if she takes me or not, take care,
midnight already and my gods are awake and speaking to each other as they send a messenger to me to relay a message for me to obey and fallow.
fall is almost here, one more month. then it will be time to write the book. i will be honest, i am scared. not of what people think but of what i have to do to myself to be in the order of the D.
this is my last month to be human if there is any percent in me left over. i will no longer have a mother or a father.
there is much i can say but i would be up to shit in my face if i was to speak out. just know in the few years to come, there will be a huge bang to the earth and all animals and humans will know of this beast.
take care all and have a good night.
dvon and spooker and sherbert the kitty.
well, i looked around and i cant do anything cause i am ata low level. kind of sucks. i cant see everyone who is on line it only shows a few and that is it. what kind of crap is that i ask myself? i dont think the levels are so fare or maybe worded right. being a mosquito is very rude and i have learn so much in my life but if it must be then i cant complain i did pay for a year. so i am stuck here for now. not much else is going on. fall is about here which i cant wait halloween my sons bday will be here and we shall have our 14th year bein in oregon in october. oregon is a bad place to live. i do miss home but i need the doctors cause i am ill. so i have to stay here. i have not started on my main book yet. i have two others started but stopped. why, hell i dont know, its not writers block i never had that before. a new month is here, not sure what is going to happen in this month. no telling how my health is going to be. so i just take it day by day and hope i dont end up in the ER like last month. damn doctors wont do anything anymore for the pain. morphine is the only thing left and if that dont work i am shit out of luck. damn i just got spam mail in my mail box in msn. i hate that crap. i have not slept yet, its been really hard to go to bed these few weeks i am not sure what to do anymore i just stay up and hope to get sleepy in time if not i will be up all day and i am sure i will sleep the night later. being in oregon the sun goes up last here and the rest of amerika is up and running already, kind of weird as the rest of the country is up and working we are still asleep. not sure if that is good or bad, hummmm well i better go now and wash my hair in the toilet and flush take care world.