soullie's Journal

soullie's Journal


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7 entries this month

Casual Obscurity

12:30 Dec 20 2006
Times Read: 584

Day breaks with a maligned trepidation

Alarm rings with casual resignation

Kettle boils with monotonous regularity

Doors slam with reverberating deafness

Morning rush chokes of rotting fish

Work as dry and quite as the deserts

Lunch no more than amalgamation of toxins

Work now more disconsolate than walking up Everest naked!!!!!!

Evening rush, dissipates into nothingness

The fridge, that cold store of beer, cheese and left over curry

The sofa gestures to you as a surrogate mother, wife, friend

Command the world at a touch, travel without moving

Without moving, you are, you are all numb

Empty, devoid of love, care, hope

Have we come so far, no longer caring?

So casual to us, so obscure to others?




Black Roses

21:44 Dec 18 2006
Times Read: 585

The black petals tranquil, line the floor whence you once walked

Your scent hangs heavy in the air, whence you once lay

The house, quite as the moment before daybreak

Silence deafening, seated alone the black candles glow around me

Your picture once treasured, now a totem of wickedness

Surmounting hate, pressure building in me, sadness tears me apart

Alone in this Castle of Hate, in thy own Dungeon of Misery

Thy have cursed your name, your image and everything thy once worshipped

Thus thy be the cursed, thy am suffering, thy am alone in the night

Devastation and shocked by thy confession

You tell me that thy was acquired for a joke

Your jester, in the palace court of gambol

Thy played the part of the fool, incognizant in legerdemain

Thy experience nothing, not pain, not fear, not hatred

Revenge will be mine, as cold, hard and final as death

Watched your apartment all night, awaiting the appointed time

Finally that void, disgust, fear will amass to this one climax

I watch you make love one last time; I feel nothing now to far gone

You analyse the slaying, exit form the shadow of your door

Crushed black petals your final blanket as you reap your last breath




Tonite the wind howls in bitterness

21:43 Dec 18 2006
Times Read: 586

Tonite the wind howls in bitterness,

Yet there she is in her finest.

A veritable vision to view.

She was once the brightest

Touting for trade in the red-light

With me here in the darkness

Punters crawling, flashing there lights

Atone with the night, eyes flash in the wilderness!

Men with self-importance!

In the hunt for gratification!

She lost in hurting and substance.

I Enclose direction and illumination for her!

My beloved daughter, peek towards the skies

Release your psyche, glimpse what you can encompass!

Acquire one last ride; let individuals abuse one more time.

Sirens shriek! Body unresponsive! Blood on my hands! Her in my arms!

Pain, degradation, torment, narcotics, drink! All memories.

She shall not recognize such emotions again.

Pleasure, aspiration, exhilaration, worship, and blood!

She shall reverence these emotions evermore.

Again the wind howls in bitterness,

She is in her finest her radiance almost blinding.

A veritable vision to view

Now the huntress, pleasure is hers to bequeath.

Touting for trade in the red-light

I spy on the action from the shadows

Punters crawling, flashing there lights

Atone with the night, eyes grin in dimness!

Men with self-importance!

In the hunt for gratification!

Bow to her splendour and supremacy.

Tonite the fulfilment shall be for her!





19:44 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 588

Looking around the bar

Misfits of every description

Line the pastel coloured walls

With the elixirs of ethanol

Numbing the senses

Numbing the reality

They cannot face

Girl behind bar

Dreaming of stardom

Man at the end of the bar

On the edge of reality

Whishing he where somewhere else

Yet the air bustles with inane chatter

False smiles, polite laughs

The lies, stories, falsehoods

Yet in purgatory we drink

Not for health, wealth or future

We drink to relax, to escape

This straightjacket of work and life

Servitude to an elusive destination




Angel 3

19:43 Dec 17 2006
Times Read: 589

Angel of magnificence, reverence,

Bottle of Jack to the right,

Marlboro lit to the left,

The fall from grace, is absolute.

My angel, mortal bars are no answer,

Semi-clad and bare breasted,

You tease the children,

Turning then into dribbling clowns.

Women want to look like you, be you,

Men what to be in you, testifying to their virility,

Angel of reverence, this is not for you,

This is not for us, for I fell long ago.

My chronicles long obliterated from the athenaeum,

Accompany me to my lair, clothing for you there,

You stay as long as you like, mortals go unseen,

Stay, bottle of jack & Cubans are on the table.

Recounting tales of folklore,

Enthralling you with wonders of mortals,

Adventures for the scribes,

Loneliness in abundance awaits you here.

Visit anytime you like, although you won’t,

I know the script, I know the forlornness,

Call to the welkin, and you may find peace,

This is our prison, our punishment, no parole.




Theater of fate

14:46 Dec 13 2006
Times Read: 602

This is my theater of fate

Standing alone, my nightmares watch

As still as an obelisk

My risk of service

My risk of silence

@ the end, no friend, nor family or hope

No dawn for me

Life now constant darkness

Surviving on adrenalin

On dreams, fears and the never ending path

One day my life, will be my own




Your tears flow Ruby Red

14:42 Dec 13 2006
Times Read: 604

Your tears flow ruby red

Against my heartlessness

You see only what you needed

You never saw me

Broken, desolate, torn in two

One being, two lives

Protector, resolute pillar unmoving

Lover and counselor

Emerald green, your jealously was

When I turned from us

It’s was either You or You

I choose ME.

Shattered remnants of a soul

Homeless, clueless and alone

Sitting on a corner

Just like Little Jack Horner.



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