This is starting to become a habit. I see my friend mike and by the time he leaves my body is in ruins, my muscles hurt, my head hurts and I am drained completely of energy. I consulted my friend Joel on this issue and he helped my protect myself a little while today. His extra help only lasted about an hour and by the time mike left my house I was back to barely being able to stand. Even with Joels help I am still completely drained. I am about to give up trying to even fight it but I dont like feeling this way. It hurts my body. I cant seem to get rid of Mike no matter what I try. Sometimes he will stay for hours and wait till I am asleep and try to get me to do stuff for him sexually that I really dont want to do. Everytime he trys I still tell him to back off. I really want to know a way to protect myself but its just so hard to. I cant find anything anywhere that works. And I barely have enough energy to study for my college.
17:51 Feb 29 2008
Ahhh, a 9lbs hammer or a really big jock friend (may I suggest a Sounds to me like he is some kind of leech. You need to just hurt him somehow with the same message as before. Back the fuck off, I mean it this time. Next time will not be so pleasant, as blood drips from his That is my advice, but rarely does anyone follow it. Then they still have the same problems. Meh, I've done my part to answer. Its what I do, be here all week.