slipknotbabe356's Journal

slipknotbabe356's Journal


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2 entries this month

05:55 Aug 29 2018
Times Read: 764

As of last night, I walked out and quit my position at Casey's. I reached my breaking point, oh did I ever reach my breaking point. My nice lovely manager worked the 10:30 am-5 pm shift, which is usually my shift. For reason's unknown, she decided she wasn't going to do her cashier chores. I walked in and the floors looked like they haven't been swept or mopped in days. The coffee's (There are four different types) weren't remade, The teas have been sitting out and weren't made since early that morning, my fountain ice was not even refilled, it was empty, and the trash was overflowing. I was left with a dirty store and not to mentioned when I tried to fix it, couldn't because we were slammed with people coming into the store. I let my former manager and assistant manager know that I was quitting and they visited with me during my shift. Jeremy the former kitchen manager popped in later on and we talked. I told my regulars that I was gone after my shift ended, most of them were shocked. I let the coworkers that I was working with know that I was quitting and they were upset but understood. We have had four departures in the last 3 weeks. I am number four. What's sad is is that I'm the departure they didn't expect. At the end of my shift I left all Casey's property on her desk, even though she doesn't want nothing on her desk. I even left her a note. I wrote that it was bullshit to have someone not do their cashiering duties and get away with it and how it's been going on for far too long. I listed what wasn't done and how tired I am of picking up everyone's slack. I then mentioned that I am 2 months over my year mark and haven't had my yearly evaluation. I should be making $9.25/hour right now. Then I closed my note by sarcastically wishing her best of luck at being manager because let's face it she's going to need it when the corporate trainers come next week. I left her the store the way it was left for me. I cleaned nothing and I did nothing. I left a pile of boxes left on the counter for her to deal with when she came to the store and I blackened out my name on the contact list sheet by her desk so she cannot contact me. I burnt my bridge at that store. My original plan was to stay at the store until my background check cleared but that plan happened sooner than later, which brings me to the Panera update.

I found out tonight that my background check came back clean so I'm clear to start my orientation this Friday at 1:30 pm. I quit the store just in time to start this position. I have to go out and buy some new jeans and black shirts since that's my uniform now. Today is also the first time that I haven't felt or been physically sick due to the stress and anxiety of being at that store. I feel great. So this is the latest update.



06:19 Aug 29 2018

07:50 Aug 29 2018

I've been with my company/burden for seven years now, and am running between two stores, trying to keep them both going. I should've had the guts to leave, like you did, a long time ago.

12:19 Aug 29 2018

It is about time babe! I am glad you made the move. They were taking you for granted

03:34 Aug 30 2018

LORDMOGY: Hell Yeah!

SireWallFlower: I am glad I never had to run between two stores, I couldn't take it! They actually say that the other store is worse than my store.

Cubbeh: I wanted to leave a long time ago but just had to wait and score the job first. I was actually planning to stay until Thursday so I could help a coworker do truck, but I'm glad I left earlier than I planned. On top of it all I found out that my hours were being cut again and I would have under 35 hours a week. I will be missed at that store since I'm the one everyone runs to for help. I have literally been playing manager, assistant manager, and kitchen manager since the former management left. I am on to better things now.

13:47 Aug 30 2018

Well at least your breaking point occured when you got a new job ready, so you are not going to miss out on too much money.

21:44 Aug 30 2018

Thank god for that Morty!


05:27 Aug 23 2018
Times Read: 782

I'm not dead, but still alive. I know I don't make it on here much anymore since life gets in the way. I just thought I would provide a bit of an update. I'm in the process of leaving Casey's. Our old management was ousted from the store which was bullshit. I miss my manager and assistant manager so much. We just got new management in our store. They have been there for about a month. The new management isn't working out. We are almost a month in and they are still trying to get the new manager trained. It's like shes not retaining any information. Ever since she's started at the store she has been clashing with everyone, myself included. It's because of her I cannot request more than 1 day off a month and because of her that I am getting screwed out of getting 7 hours for every register shift I do. I have literally had to deal with her accusing me of providing horrible customer service by telling me that I'm not talking or smiling at customers. I speak to everyone who comes in the door. Meanwhile this bitch tells my coworker that works lunch that she cannot speak to my former assistant manager when he comes in, which by the way is harassment and wouldn't let another coworker take off because his daughter was in a bad situation. I'm honestly over the bullshit in the store and there's more I can add here but I would just be rambling.

Now for the positive. I had a job interview at Panera Bread last Saturday. I actually wasn't nervous for a change. The interview went well. So well the Store Manager named, Judy wanted to hire me on the spot but couldn't, since I had to go through a second interview with the General Manager. She was very impressed with my resume and the fact that I have lots of kitchen experience and I was recently trained for register. She was also impressed that I had a Food Handlers Certificate when I presented it at my interview. Monday when I got off at midnight I got an email for a second interview. I had my interview with the General Manager on Tuesday. It lasted a good 10 mins due to Judy covering most of it with me Saturday. I found out that I will be trained in all areas of the store which is awesome and it means I won't be bored. Tonight I got the email to submit for a background check, which I know I'll pass it no matter what. It pretty much means when it clears the position is mine and I'll be waiting for an orientation date. Meanwhile and I know this is frowned upon, but I won't be giving notice to Casey's that I'm leaving after I get my orientation date. I plan to just leave and be done. One foot is out the door already. Well that is what's up for me currently.



09:17 Aug 23 2018

hugs you tight

14:02 Aug 23 2018

*hugs Lily*

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