take a look at OUR BAND ~ ( DARKBLOODWING ).
is coming BACK !
Contacting: DARKBLOODWING -:{ "Vampyre Band" }:-
HERE is Our "Myspace" ~ BAND URL-LINK
:[ http://www.myspace.com/darkbloodwing2008 ]:
DARKBLOODWING ~ Looking to begin Re-Auditions in 2010.
for "Regarding possable Booking Show Location(s):,..contact Band Founder & Lead Vocalist/Rythm-Guitar:
-:{ "svDragcos~theDragon" ):~
c/o:"DragonFireDragcos Prod's".
at his Email: sithveirdragcos_thedragon_2010@yahoo.com
- or call:[ 1-(323)-920-7377 ];.........
Band Consists of:..
~ "Lead-Vocalist/Rythm-Guitar",..
~ "(2) - Female - Stage Victims";..
-:[1st,chained against Far Stg-R. Wall]:-
(*will be "NUDE"~ wearing long tattered shear white neglegia' like draping)
115-120 Lbs,
~*must look Drained of blood,
with Very Dark-brown or Black LONG straight hair,...
-:[2nd is Blood Alter Sacrifice]:-
(*will be "NUDE" ~ Draped in a Shear white wrap,~layed across her).
5'4 - 5'7,
115-130 lbs,
Med long Hair
- Light brunnete'ish-Blond'ish,
Stage/Road Crew:
"Guitar Tech",..
"Drum Tech",..
"Lighting Tech",.
&.."Sound-Mixer Tech".
will be Currently Re-Structuring
and Re-Auditioning NEW Band Members
An' Stage Crew as of 2010,
-- Auditions of These positions;..
1.) "Lead-Guitarist/Vocals",..
2.) "Bass-Guitar/Vocals",..
3.) "Drums-Percussion/Vocals",..
4.) "Keyboards/Vocals",...
~ "(2)- Female Stage Victim(s)";..
Stage/Road Crew:
"Guitar Tech",..
"Drum Tech",..
"Lighting Tech",
"Sound-Mixer Tech".
Musical Styles/Influences:
"Type O'Neg",.
"Marilyn Manson",.
"Christian Death",..
"Mission UK",..
"Belle Morte",..
"Sister Machine Gunn",..
"Gary Numan",.
"Gerrard McMann",..
~:{ "DARKBLOODWING, Vampyre Band" }:~
was Originally founded in 1999
by the Vampyre Brothers',..
- "Lead Vocalist/Rythm-Guitar",..
- "Bass Guitar/Vocals",...
saddly Disbanding in 2005,
due to Many OUTSIDE issues an' Set backs,..
- Since then, "Raven"
has gone on to pursue other Musical
& Productions Activities,..
- Though "DRAGON"
has still kept a shimmeringly distant Hope
of Successfully Re-Creating & ReEstablishing
and Raising the old band Once again,..
- Hopefully in the UpComming new year,..
"DRAGON"-(Dragcos) is planning to Begin
Re-Auditions' for All positions in the group,
~{ *except his own of course,
Which He will be Continueing in ),...
is/(was) basically a
~"VAMPYRE"~ style band,
following in the mid/late-[Dark]-"80"s,
& early/Mid-[Dark]-"90"s,..
of "Vampyric/Gothic/Alternative"
Style/Type of Music,..
...Incorporating...."Dark Heavy Etherial Music", "Theatrics", "Lighting effects",
"Beautifull Female-Blood Vitcim(s)",.and an.."Erie Stage Set"..
~ One side a "CRYPT Wall,
with a Beautifull Chained Vampyre's Victim,
which the "Bass Guitarist"
enters from,...
and Center Stage - a Drum Riser,
which in front of sits a Dark Coffin,
~ that The Vampyre Lead Vocalist
Raises up from,..
an' on the far side,
~ Like a Castle Courtyard
w/ a Huge Mosuliem Castle Doorway,
~ in which several of the Rest of the Band,
Enter onto the Stage from,..
and the Backdrop behind the stage,
is that of a Dark Gothic Hillside
an' Cemetary,
with a '15 ft huge Hanging
"BAT" Band sign,
painted in Crimson-Red letters across it,..
- There is evan during the course
of the Performance,
in the middle of one Song No',.
a Wheeled out ALTER,
with a Beautifull Female,
wrapped only in
a White thin Veil,..
whom' Becomes a
{*by the Lead Vocalist),..
whom' in Slitting open her Throat,
Draws her blood
into a GOBBLET,
then Partakes deeply,.
before continueing on,
~ shareing the Drink
with Fellow band members,....
and Thats just to
~"WET YOUR THIRSTs"~!.........
Wait till "the VAMPYRE's"
Re'ARISE an' PLAY again,...
~ Hemmhemmhemmhemmhem,....
[ YouTube } Short Demo/Promo clip,....
for the ~ "Shadows 0f Blood"
- Feature Film Theatrical Release.
"Shadows 0f Blood" - [PROMO-INTRO s'];..
(*)-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifKAGbBCGLw&feature=player_embedded
(**)-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGHBAyT_1ws&feature=player_embedded
~*:this is a Previewing of a Short Demo clip
for a developing Film Project,
Please remember,.This is Only a
~"Work in Progress"~
the "Shadows 0f Blood"
Feature Film Theatrical Release...
is Currently Still in the process of being developed.
- This Piece,
is more a short-Demo pesentational;
to Preview & Promote
the first stages of possable
Full Theatrical Filming,..
& We are still in the
CASTING process
of various charactors as well.