life is like school u get up in morning go throw the day learning the rolls of life the happiness heartaches the angers dangers and deppressions it is also like hell with all the fights torments and hatrid life has to offer
so everything has been calm im so glad the drama has died down l hope it stays this way mental brake downs are so not fun:(
It is always fdarkest just before the light.
yea well im not sure it will last long but thanks
JMC is comin soon :-)
oh hell yea i cant wait my baby is coming woot woot
i dont care what you have to say or what you like you wanted something i could not give so deal with it god are you so blind that you cant see what you have right in front of you stop hateing on me and show the one who truely loves u with all her heart the love that you claim to have for her
actions speak louder than words
hey i proved myself last night i love u plus i cant help i have feelings for someone else
i love u too and i dont care who reads this shiyangel is MINE!!!! lmao :-)
oh baby im all ur lmao
Feelings can;t be helped it happens like that some times :)
so very true sweetie
i can not do anything right i try to help a friend out and hurt someone in doing so i have had a very stressful week i dont want to do or say or say anything else wronge so im saying nothing i say sorry and its not enough i dont know wat else to say
Sometimes It's hard to say the right things,because people don't want to hear It.You can't saved everyone,you can only tried to saved them.Sometimes people need to saved themselves by reaching out to you.You should never be sorry for caring enough to helped someone,and If people are your friends then they will know your Intentions were good and noble.
thanks i agree im glad charmed met u sweetie
I'm glad she found me too,I loved her.I'm getting ready to crashed soon
life sucks why cant we live in our own little world and be happy were noone tries to stab u in the back a place were you dont get put down all the time were your not called rude names and made to feel like you should have never been born were you get the man of your dreams he treats like a princess and you have your happy ever after instead of swearing hell would be better then your life right now
sounds like u wrote that just for me coz thats EXACTLY the way i feel right now
well sexy we are on the same brain wave then:)
I've had days like that myself too.Where everyone just seen to snapped you.