So, some friend you are
I don't even see you any more
I hope that girl stays with you forever
Because when she's not
Don't come looking for me
Even before you were with her
You didn't treat me right
Ha, so whats stopping you from changing
I don't want to do this
But its time to come to a close
There's nothing left here
And I will not continue to give any more
Haha, uh, so this is good bye
That girl there, in that picture
Who is she
She looks like me, is that me
Why won't anyone tell me, who that girl is
I thought it was me, but you tell me no
I ask who she was, and you ignore me
So who was she that I shouldn't know of
My cousin was in that picture to
He is only one year younger then me
In the picture he was a baby boy
Maybe, two years old
Know that I realize, it couldn't have been me
Who the hell was she
I feel as though she was my sister
She may have died
Is that why no one will speak of her
Well, who ever she is
I haven't forgotten her