As the final days of my childhood disappear into my past, the future is becoming more overwhelming and uncertain. I'm trying to keep my head high and keep on with my current plan, but my lack of experience leaves me clueless as to what struggles I may face. My family has abandoned me; all I am left with is my boyfriend, his family, and a couple of close friends. As far as college goes, it's going to take me longer to complete the degree I am aiming for. Instead, I have to start at the most menial level and work my way up. From this point on, my life is going to be an uphill struggle and a downhill battle. I guess I just have to keep on, keep that one ultimate goal in sight: I can and will be the best I can be, and make the most out my time here.
13:57 May 05 2010
Climb High
Aim Far
Your Goal the Sky
Your Aim the Stars...
You're a star. Don't ever forget that. And I am here for you whenever you need to talk or need a friend. I graduated college with 2nd highest honors.. if you need help with any assignments, let me know and I will help you! ^_^