Please do not say Happy New Year since I find the celebration of annualism offensive. Being an eternalist I don't accept the fact that everything starts over on a particular day that is some arbitrary whim of the calendar makers. Time does, in fact, just continue on and I don't believe I should be subjected to what is basically a religious celebration. Well, a drunken, religious celebration.
So, happy continuous passing of uninterrupted time.
On the other hand, I don't have a problem with the drunken celebration part.
Verbosity oh verbosity, thou doth reign supreme. It seems that some would rather shroud their language in self-indulgence than to actually share and communicate ideas. It is an approach used throughout history by politicians, philosphers, religious leaders, fanatics and other charletons who attempted to convince the masses that they should be repressed to be protected; and by way of proof tried to convince them that they were stupid through the use of meaningless words. It is a concept of obscurity through language that is designed as an elitist trick of smoke and mirrors, to shroud ideas in cloaks of mysterious pomposity.
Language is a tool and an art form. It can be used to transmit thoughts, opinions, and ideas through the beauty of the imagery that it summons through well chosen words. It can create a connection of thought, though not necessarilly of agreement, and it has true strength only when both sides grow through it's use.
That connection of thought does not exist when language is used to hide the lack of imagination by bellicose shows of dictionary proficiency. That is simply a way of playing god in an attempt to destroy original thought. The prostitution of language is part of a concerted effort by the few to cause the lesser beings to be like those residents of Babel who no longer understand that which is being said, when in reality, there are no words of meaning being spoken.
Language as a weapon should be like a rapier, sharp and witty, to the point but never losing its sense of humor; not a bludgeoning tool used to beat down the opposition like a mace or a hammer.
Please spare me the intellectual use of the obtuse as a form of communication. Don't ask my indulgence of someone's effort to promote their self designated sense of superiority over the very ones who have the courage to ask the questions because they seek answers. To become all-knowing is simply a delusional dream and it suppresses the natural human desire to learn. The seekers will, in the end, prevail. And the gods and attorneys will fall by the wayside.