Ancient One sat in the shade of his tree in front of his cave. Red People came to him and he said to Red People, "Tell me your vision."
And Red People answered, "The elders have told us to pray in this manner, and that manner, and it is important that only we pray as we have been taught for this has been handed down to us by the elders."
"Hmmmm," said the Ancient One.
Then Black People came to him and he said to Black People, "Tell me your vision."
And Black People answered, "Our mothers have said to go to this building and that building and pray in this manner and that manner. And our fathers have said to bow in this manner and that manner when we pray. And it is important that we do only this when we pray."
"Hmmmm," said the Ancient One.
Then Yellow People came to him and he said to Yellow People, "Tell me your vision."
And Yellow People answered, "Our teachers have told us to sit in this manner and that manner and to say this thing and that thing when we pray. And it is important that we do only this when we pray."
"Hmmmm," said the Ancient One.
Then White People came to him and he said to White People, "Tell me your vision."
And White People answered, "Our Book has told us to pray in this way and that way and to do this thing and that thing, and it is very important that we do this when we pray."
"Hmmmm," said the Ancient One.
Then Ancient One spoke to the Earth and said, "Have you given the people a vision?" And the Earth said, "Yes, a special gift for each one, but the people were so busy speaking and arguing about which way is right they could not see the gift I gave each one of them." And the Ancient One asked same question of Water and Fire and Air and got the same answer. Then Ancient One asked Animal, and Bird, and Insect, and Tree, and Flower, and Sky, and Moon, and Sun, and Stars, and all of the other Spirits and each told him the same.
Ancient One thought this was very sad. He called Red People, Black People, Yellow People, and White People to him and said to them. "The ways taught to you by your Elders, and your Mothers and Fathers, and Teachers, and Books are sacred. It is good that you respect those ways, for they are the ways of your ancestors. But the ancestors no longer walk on the Face of the Earth Mother. You have forgotten your own Vision. Your Vision is right for you but no one else. Now each of you must pray for your own Visions, and be still enough to see them, so you can follow the way of the heart. It is a hard way. It is a good way.
and a man sat alone. Drenched deep in sadness.
And all the animals drew near to him and said: "we do not like to see you so sad... "Ask us for whatever you wish and you shall have it."
The man said: "I want to have good sight." The vulture replied: "You shall have mine"
The man said: "I want to be strong." The jaguar said: "You shall be strong like me."
Then the Man said: "I long to know the secrets of the earth." The serpent replied: "I will show them to you."
And so it went with all the animals.
And when the man had all the gifts
that they could give... he left...
Then the owl said to the other animals:
"now the Man knows much and is able to do many things..."suddenly I am afraid."
The deer said: "The man has all that he needs." "now his sadness will stop,"
But the owl replied: "no"... "I saw a hole in the man"... "Deep like a hunger he will never fill..."It is what makes him sad and what makes him want."
"he will go on taking and taking... "Until one day the World will say: "I am no more and i have nothing left to give."
They had forgotten the first lesson, that we are to be powerful, beautiful, and without regret.
How do we seem to you? Do you find us beautiful, magical? Our white skin, our fierce eyes? "Drink" you ask me, do you have any idea of the thing you will become?
Evil is a point of view. God kills indiscriminately and so shall we. For no creatures under God are as we are, none so like him as ourselves.
It is easy to see why each man kills the things he loves. To know a living thing is to kill it...
To try to know a living being is to try to suck the life out of that being.
The temptation of the vampire fiend, is this knowledge.
The desirous consciousness, the spirit, is a vampire.
Some loves have to be given up, others have to be forgotten. Strange as it may sound, if you think of me as a monster, but I can love most passionately. I do not think of myself as evil.
Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire
so those who are reading my notes please know i know exactly what being a vampire is.
most think because you join a coven you become a vampire... or if you find a group of goths that say they know the underworld you become supernatural, everyone must learn at some point there is no true way to controll it, no real way to put a chain around it and make it stop or go. but yet most say they have there hand on the devils bible and a foot in the lake of fire. if they did i assure you they wouldent be here.
iv wondered around most my life all around this world watching and learning all the different arts the way a true vampire should. i learn what the voodoo and witchdocters had to offer, i flew to rome to meet with an old catholic father showed me the true view of demonds that rome taking peoples minds and bodys. many think in order to become immortal you must be dead or you must give you soul, thats absolute shit pardon me, but those who ask for a soul for immortality already made the mistake of giving theres. the dam leading the dam. dont mistake what i say and think im saying it is easy to live not controll the supernatural. but if you spend your time and energy it will happen. iv seen men with these gifts do amazing things and go amazing and beautifull places and yet have a smile on there face. not this pain none of this sarrow. man wasent made immortal or not to life in his emotions or to dwell within darkness. he was made to live with them yes and learn to controll and use his mind body and soul as he sees fit, the last step after those things yes is the underworld its vast and dark once you step through that door dont expect to come back. this is shadow im here for now to see if there are true believers whom seek truth in this if so you have come to the right place
even though i may be new to this, im not at all new to the underworld i came here hoping to find those who may need the guidance i can offer. as well as help on the paranormal or supernatural as its better called. i find it to be a nother way of life not some other world man is just now finding. if you ever find your alone or need answers please dont be shy.
stand still and bring your head toward the dark sky and smell, think nothing...feal nothing, be nothing. then picture, can you see? all your life is there all your lost hope .... all that fear you hide i see. and now its mine as simple as the day came so does the night rise again to bring peace to this hurt and lonely earth. peace be with the immortal
some see only glimps of them, many live there lives never knowing what power lies within there own head. the sheer power of the dark can set a mind free not lock it within. i see behind your mask i see the soul locked within the eyes of the immortals. i feal the pain and sorrow of death and i know....yes i know you cant see what i see.
maybe no one sees this maybe i dont care. the scars are long gone but the pain lingers, shadows close around and all you see is dark. smell death and feal the chill run your spin. its deeper then you thought or i. i have full controll but you have lost the battle and the war in your body has come to an end. silent is thy lamb but my demon lingers within. i havent any thing left