the nature of trees and animal one alike, without one single animal or insect and food change will drop. for example take the mouse lemuria and the insect it needs. without this insect which I have forgotten the name of, but without it there is no way for the lemuria to eat at the insect help put honey dew on the trees which the lemuria eats.
another beauiful example including vampires, vampires need human blood to survive and humans need plants and animals to survive without these animals we would surely die out like the many species before us and right before our eyes many species are dying, examples tigers, which are beautiful.
I for one do not agree on breeding animals for thier death, but to an animal whom has lived in the wild and been hunted that doesn't bother it's apart of the food chain.
on a more light subject, I must talk about how beautiful nature is, how leaves fall, regrow and fastly grow back if given the chance. animals in hunt as they feed, teach thier young.
with poisons we drink
A few days agos I got my learners, so I be pretty at that.. but driving a car for the first is actually quite scary but after awhile like.. zoom zoom zoom zoooooooooom. thus be all for todaay my dear vamp lover fiieends :)