I am haunted by the thought of you. Waking up in the middle of the night hoping to feel your fingers burning a trail across my flesh. To feel your breath against my skin. Its almost torture. Wanting. Needing to feel you, taste you, breathe, hear, and see you. You build a desire deep within me that is unparalleled. I want you to revel in my warmth. Whisper against my neck while I take and twist everything you are. Show you what its like behind these eyes. Let you drink from my soul. Turn you. Shape you into my own creation where you live to breathe for me. Wanted. Prove that I can get deep within your soul. Down to the core of your being. Make you realize desires you may have overlooked. Fantasies you never dreamed. Let me in and I will show you. Want.
21:09 Dec 01 2012
lovely and evocative
21:09 Dec 01 2012
lovely and evocative