Whit an evil grin was i lurking in your shadow
Planing, desiving, corrupting.
Just a feeling and my touch as i wisper my hate in your ear.
I am your control, your wish to be.
In fear you walk on dirty cold stone whit broken shoes and bloody feet.
As the demons cast you around in side your silky brainyou hear me calling names of unknown death.
The taste of cold steel in.. 2 be cont...
Humans screaming whit broken voises for an emty sky.
looking up at the stars and the emty forever.
Dreams of a afterlife flashed in her eyes and she was gone.
They where all gone, me, them, you.
All of us, gone.
No reason to worry, no one is left behinde.
Humans screaming whit broken voises for an emty sky.
Whit out, Whit in, Did i stand there towards the sun.
In Loud brightness throu my soul.
Burn in flame, i was thinking, but do it fast.
No more of your delightful tormention.
Whit out, Whit in, i once stod, But no more i stand.
And your tormention is sweeter than ever.
Towards you i stand,
Whit out, Whit in...
The sound of a car crash, a picture of you,
And all the blackness that surroundes us.
The dreamers dream in forever search,
All of the eyes, hungry, looking for pray.
There flame takes you in angry starved bites.
Figthing, all this fighting in you burning eyes, but your life energy fails you.
Streaming water from people i never seen.
A Grave whit a name an never know'n.
The sound of a car crash, A picture of you...
My spamming brain shivers on comand.
Those lonley thoughts you left by the stairs,
brings blood rushing to my head and wobbel around.
Silence was the last noice.
My spamming brain rebots...