as i sit here and i contemplate on the deaths in my life, and all the sorrow i've faced, i get a vision a demon watching me from the corner, hes not one of mine, he shouldnt have come around here, i'm not an easy target and i never will be, as i watch him watching me, i know what he wants, he wants to take my soul and try to destroy me, he looks with this yellow eyes and his boney skin, he want to take me, he scutters around the room like a little rat with his tail on fire, still not taking his eyes from me, and from all fours he stands up tall his skin almost looks like a silk cloth layed over his ribs, and then without warning he jumps at me like a snake attacking his prey, he jumps but doesnt get far, the demons i have are darker, meaner and stronger... the poor thing doesnt have a chance, i almost feel sorry for him as he gets torn apart infront of my very eyes, i stand up as the smoke rises from my eyes and step over the remains, i go over to the books and pic up some poetry, " Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary..."
i have been feeling very odd and this ties into my main profile at the moment i dont know what it is i know i am changing and i feel like i have no controle i dont know if its for the better or the worse all i know is that i am starting to feel again, i'm not saying i never didnt feel but its like i felt alot of numbness alot of, just live day at a time, and what about been able to speak my mind, thats kinda coming back too, i have a llong way before i can fly again but i need to fix these wing more people wont see me and i dont know why i put this in here mainly for me to look back on, but as prometheus stole the fire of the gods i am stealing back what i need from my ego/ pride.
Wake up
mow the weed
You'd be nothing without me
Take my life if you have the heart to die
You bastards
tainted my tool
Raped my words
played me a fool
Gather your precious glitter and leave me be
The Great Ones are all dead.
the luckiest man who walks on this earth
is the one who finds true love.