i have hit some sort of barrier. it is attempting to slow my progress to the next level. obstacles are just steps for growth. it is going to be an awesome last quarter, can you feel it? the energy is amazing.
there is something out there so much bigger than ourselves. how could people be depressed when they have a purpose? they need to find their purpose and work hard at achieveing it. no more depression, you are cured. wham..
i could not feel good about winning if i did not go all out all the time. there should be no holding back, saving for the last miles. give it everything, nowww.
life is absolutely amazing, why could i not see this years ago? now we can open eyes, and change the world.
'love is fulfillment of the law '
that was an ass kicker, it was amazing to be involved in that powerful event. my spine still tingles with chills. now i have some physical labor to do along with work. i am fired up, life is awesome.