people look but can never know, what goes on in a persons soul, they see themselfs as judges, deciding whos "good" and whos "evil" but never take the time to learn the truth, or ignore it when found, to happy in their little world,to veiw anothers dreams, or nightmares, but some can see them, and try not to care about what is there, worlds and times flash in their eyes, they peer into hearts and study souls, they know who is truly innocent and who is not, able to do nothing, forever bond by the gift, or a curse as some think, each different in their own unique way, but most keep the secerets deep down inside, so as not to be caled mad or insane, and locked in a padded room for eternity, and i leave with one thought, it might be real, or a fake, you decide, but remember this, im one of them, and im watching you