rubyragar's Journal


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14 entries this month


chapter 1

19:34 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 626


I am alone and afraid that I’m going to lose my love.

He’s the love of my life and I can’t live without him. She turns away from the window with all these things running through her mind. “Is he ok?” she asks her self. When will my love return? The door opens and enters the lady maid. “My lady, there is news from Lord Michael.” The Lord’s messenger walks into the room. “He shall be away for a fortnight. But he shall be here in time for the feast. The war is over and the clean up is just beginning.

“My Lord sends word my lady” the messenger said, as she turned away. She quickly turned back around to look at the messenger. “What is it that he sends?”

“He wanted me to tell you that he loves you very much and that he can’t wait till he's home with you again.” “Send him word that I shall be waiting for him here until his return. And that I love him very much.” She said with hope in her eyes. “I shall tell him my lady.” And with that the messenger walked out the door carrying her love to her husband.

Lady Ruby watched as the messenger rode away into the far away lands that her husband was protecting. “We shall be together soon my love.” She whispered to herself. “Soon.”




chapter 2

19:33 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 627

Chapter 2

To her every night was an eternity to be way from him. She hated the fact he had to be away. But she knew it had to be done. It was the only way to make their kingdom safe. Since the day they had met they had to fight to be together. Even from the beginning they had problems because her family was an evil bunch who did not want her to be happy, and even though he was a great man her family did not approve of him. But they were in love and would do anything to be together, even risk their lives as they had many times. But they had finally been given what they wanted her family finally said yes because they no longer wanted her to be around.

She hated to have to be away from him even as he was protecting their people.

It was nearing her birthday and they were having a grand feast to celebrate

It was a special birthday because it is the first that they are to celebrate it together as a couple. His birthday was soon to follow hers. She loved him with all her heart and this birthday would be the end to all her parent say-so. Her parents made a bargain, they had a say in everything until she was 18. This would be her 18th birthday and she would finally be free of them for the rest of her life. Yes she loved her family but they wouldn’t let her make her own decisions, which she could not stand and although for the times is was not look good upon she helped her husband in everything she could. She was thought as an equal with her husband sometimes giving advice to him when he needed it most.

He cherished her like a goddess and loved her with all his heart. He had traveled all the lands within his kingdom to find someone to love and she had been the one he found.

It was as they say love at first sight and they couldn’t stand to be apart they had to be together all the time or they were both depressed.




chapter 3

19:33 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 628

Chapter 3

It had begun with the smiles and the laughing. From the very beginning they were happy together. They knew they were meant to be. He still remembered the day he first gave her flowers she had been hiding from him in the garden he had been going through the maze ever glimpsing her shadow just passing the next corner. But no matter how he tried he couldn’t catch up with her, and when he finally caught up with her she was sitting gracefully on a clawed footed bench with roses surrounding her, her raven hair shining in the light her pale skin seeming to glow. And then he walked to her. “Will you take this token of my love my lady?” he asked lovingly. “Yes I will my love and shall cherish them for the rest of my days even after they are gone.” And with that took the flowers from him and jumped up and kisses him. It was their first kiss and she was very shy. So after doing so she ran again though the maze with him following close behind. She was laughing and looking back at him with loving eyes. Then he fell behind and when he turned the corner they were by a fountain and she was waiting for him the flowers in a vase of water.

“What took you so long?’ she asked giggling. “I tripped” he lied. He did not want her to know that he could not keep up with her. No his pride would not let her know. And then he sat carefully next to her taking in the look of her wanting to remember her this way forever. And as they stared into each others eyes they leaned closer and closer until their eyes fell closed and their lips touched. He saw fireworks and felt like this is where he is meant to be with this woman. The one who was his destiny. He knew at that moment he must marry her. Their kiss broke and she leaned against him seeming to be the happiest she had ever been.




chapter 4

19:33 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 629

Chapter 4

“My Lord we need your assistance.” Said his squire. And with that he was awaked end from his memories of his wife and the day they fell in love. He remembered where he was and the work that must be completed before he could return home to his loving wife.

There had been a war between his people and the angles. The angles had crossed into his lands and he could not let it continue lest Lady Ruby’s safety be at stake. They had fought hard to win victory, Lady Ruby running through his mind the whole time.

It had been a tough battle the angles fighting with all there might trying to capture his lands. But he knew that his future with Lady Ruby relied on this battle and he would not lose. Now it was time to begin the cleanup and he and his men were going to take care of that before they go home. “My lord. We have found something you should take a look at.”

And with that he thought it was bad. But what he was to find was not bad, but wonderful.




chapter 5

19:32 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 630

Chapter 5

He followed his squire through the camp, taking care not to step on anything that was broken upon the ground. He finally came upon the area to which his squire was leading him to. The Angles had had a chest of gold and jewels with them that they had just discovered, and when his squire lifted the lid of the chest his eyes fell upon the most beautiful necklace he had ever saw. The necklace was made of silver imitating the pattern of lace and in the center was a ruby red stone. The sliver was intricate and yet would hold chocker style to her pale neck. The silver chains looped in graceful circles and they wound into themselves. He knew the moment he saw it, that it would be his gift to ruby for her birthday. He knew she would love it, even as his squire picked it up to show him it in better detail. “When we found it we knew you would want to see it right away and not just put it in the cart to take back to the castle. Especially since her birthday is so close.” His squire said lovingly admiring the beautiful work even as he handed the necklace to lord Michael. When he held the necklace he was amazed that something so beautiful could be so light.

“You did well in telling me of this. It will be a gift to Ruby.”

Lord Michael lovingly wrapped the necklace in a scarf of violet. “Continue the clean up and go ahead and begin to pack the spoils from the war into the wagons. I want to get this done and get going.” He said as he turned to walk to his tent to put the necklace up. “Yes Lord.” He made his way back to his tent slowly stepping over all the discarded swords and helmets of the dead.




chapter 6

19:32 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 631

Chapter 6

She had awaken suddenly in the middle of the night from a nightmare. She was drenched in cold sweat. She had dreamed that no sooner than Lord Michael came home that he must suddenly leave again and that no sooner than Lord Michael was gone the castle was besieged in his absence. She knew it was only a dream but she could not shake the feeling of dread. She lay down to try and sleep the next few hours before she must awaken.

She got up and her lady made rushed to help her lace up her dress. When she was finally ready she stepped out her door to face her world. She had decided on violet for the theme color. There would be violet table clothes and violet curtains. The napkins were to be white so they could be seen against the dark color of the violet. They would use plates with pictures of violets in the center, the edges woven with an intricate design of gold.

She had collected many beautiful candles for Michael’s surprise along with many beautiful perfumes their room that night would smell like a garden lit with many burning flames. It would be their special night. This would be their honey moon, the one they never had. She could just picture his joy at what she had set up for him.




chapter 7

19:31 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 634

Chapter 7

In the past few hours they had gotten an amazing amount of work completed. They would be home the day before her birthday. “Home” he whispered to himself, thinking of ruby in his mind. They would be done by nightfall and would set out at dawn only a seven Days ride separated him and the love of his life




chapter 8

19:31 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 635

Chapter 8

Their had been an amazing amount if treasure the angles had with them during the long and painful war that had separated him and his love. But that war was over and nothing but the journey home separated them now. He would take the treasure home with him to make his lands richer, and make life better for his people and his lady wife.

At last it was nightfall and the last cart was being packed. Their work was done. All the craps of metal were removed from the ground and the bodies burned, no longer obscuring the beauty of the country side. In the morning he would be in his way back to her. She was all he could every think of, all he ever wanted, and she was his. His heart an soul was hers and would always be. He went to sleep that night thinking of her and he fell into sweet dreams of her and their future together.




chapter 9

19:31 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 636

Chapter 9

after all the planning had been finished she was exhausted and it was 9 days before her birthday but she knew Michael would make it back in time for the feast. She thought of him as she got ready for bed. She was finally happy with the decorations that would be used. It was all planned everything from the food down to the very last desert. And her servants knew how to fix her room the night of her birthday.

Her thoughts ran through her many memories with Michael, and as she laid down for bed her thought landed on the day of them in the maze, the day of their first kiss. Her eyes closed and she drifted off the sleep.




chapter 10

19:30 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 637

Chapter 10

They had been on the path home for 3 days. They were almost home and only had four more days left till he would be home with ruby again. His men’s spirits were up. They were finally going home after the war and they couldn’t wait to see their families again. All their minds were set like his on their wives and children. They would be together again, him and ruby, and nothing would keep them apart.

Amazingly enough there were no distractions on the road. No robbers, blockages, and there hadn’t even been any animal attacks. Everything was going perfect.




chapter 11

19:30 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 638

Chapter 11

He felt like nothing could go wrong and nothing did the next few days went by uneventful. They ha found many new beautiful areas of land. Many pretty flowers that Lord Michael wished lady ruby could see but he knew she would someday. Some day he would take her to this spot he had seen on the way home it was next to a crystal clear pond with flowers all around almost reminding him of the fountain he had founder her sitting by after falling behind in the chase. He wondered what she had been doing in his absence. He also wondered if their had been any problems with the kingdom. All these thoughts came into his mind even as he could finally see the castle gate outlined in the horizon. “It is almost dusk and we are almost home but we must camp for the night. Begin the tents setup. We shall ride at dawn and arrive by noon.” he ordered. The men began to pitch the tents as he had commanded them. They all knew that tomorrow they would sleep in their nice warm beds. And tomorrow they would be eating good food in the dining hall.

The tents were up and night had fallen. It was the end of the day at the end of a long journey and they were finally insight of home. They all ate and went to bed. To begin what would be a long night in sight of home.




chapter 12

19:29 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 639

Chapter 12

Tomorrow would be the day before her birthday, and all she could think about was her husband Michael. She wondered what time he would arrive. All she wanted was to hear his voice again. To feel his arms wrap around her. She missed every little thing he does. She was anxious as the days past. Tonight would be the night that she would begin to have the most sleeping problems.

She lay in bed for hours trying to sleep, staring at the ceiling, thoughts of Michael running through her mind. When will he be home she thought. Troubled dreams of misfortune played though her mind.




chapter 13

19:29 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 640

Chapter 13

She had a dream that began normal enough. She could see Michael traveling down the road. Suddenly they stopped; listening to the trees around them and to her horror robbers jumped from the trees and began to slaughter them. They were fighting but losing fast. She saw her husband fighting but he was tiring, slowing down.

She awoke screaming once again covered in cold sweat. She Prayed for her husband’s safe return, and the end to all her bad dreams.

“It was just a dream.” She said aloud in the still night. She turned over and fell back into uneasy sleep, tears running down her face from the last dream. She tried to dream better dreams but did not succeed.




chapter 14

19:29 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 643

Chapter 14

They woke that morning with hope in their hearts, and for once they took down the tents cheerfully laughing and joking with each other. They were finally home and some couldn’t believe they had made it though the war. But they had and they were home.

Lord Michael looked out into the sunrise thinking of its beauty and wondering if she, to was admiring it from their balcony. He had given her his world and she took its place in his heart. She was his bride, his love, she was his soul mate and they never wanted to be apart.

He looked out to the sunset praying for years of peace so he must not go from her again.

They mounted their horses and began the ride that would finish their journey, hopefully to be the last for quite some time. On the way lord Michael had called the party to a stop they were almost to the gates and they all wondered at what he has saw, maybe the castle had been taken over while they had been away. But to their amazement and happiness it had just been a beautiful red rose growing wildly on the side of the road. He climbed from his horse and picked the rose carefully



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