Life is so hard and then you try to do the right thing but not sure what the right thing . you are left with what do i do i have try to give him ever thing that i have of his and he keeps tell me no i want you but he is with other ,god life is so hard .
Lost in my mind not sure where to go or how to deal with life.... he walks back in like there not a thing wrong and like 4 months have not past sent he walk out . not sure what to do my heart is saying i want him ,my mind say you crazy if you let him hurt you any more.
Hon, listen to your mind , he will never change once a man finds out he can hurt you and get away with it he will keep doing it.
I understand what you mean. it's a very hard thing when someone re-enters your life after leaving you with nothing but heart's like, you want them there, it's what every part of you has been craving ever since they left.....and at the same time, you're filled with this passionate fear that they'll just leave again
Sometimes in our life we feel unloved and unwanted and untamed will I have come to that road in my life I feel so unwanted and so unloved . I know i am over weigh and going Grey but steel we want someone in our life to hold and to love but it looks like all I find is pain and hurt with ever turn in my life .NOT SURE WHEN IT WILL STOP. but GOD knows and I hate to say this but wish mine would stop today .
I am sorry for your pain. I consider you young. I was born in 1947 but I am fortunate that those in my family stay young looking for a very long time. My Mother didn't get any gray until her 70s and I am 62 and don't have any yet. I bleach my hair though since mine is dark ash blond but I have my Dad's Irish complexion that is very fair. I look washed out. No one has to be gray, you can fix that and weight too. I have started to put on weight so my next goal is off, off, off. That's what you do while you are alone. There are others out there lonely too and they will notice you if you make yourself available by being out with the public and invovlved even with only social groups. Good luck.
I am sorry you feel that way, but don't give up, I was told there is all kind of poeple around the world, and with all kinds of taste and desire.
Just be yourself, let your wings of the heart open and let your soul fly, no worries, time is nothing, just enjoy each moment, and before you know it, some wonderful person will knock at your door and say with a flower booket, will you go take a coffe with me?
Because you never know, might then that the little guy in diappers comes around, with the perfect one for ya!