you need: salt, lavender, 5 dark purple candles, 4 pebbles, 4 feathers, 4 seashells, and 4 orange flowers.
sprinkle the lavender and salt to form a large pentagram within a circle.
place the candles at each point
imagine a large square around the circle with teh straight line running perpendicular with the top point
place a pebble, flower, shell, and feather in each corner
sit in the centre facing top point
breath slowly
say the following and mean it:
i call to Akasha,
the great spirit,
to save me from myself.
open my eyes to the dangers i face.
help me to realise the misery i may cause,
if i continue on this dangerous course.
let your light shine and banish my bane.
protect all involved from my destructive pain.
lead me away from the misery that awaits.
teach me to love a better way.
avoid the person who tempts you for at least a full moon cyle