if i stay in the light to long my head starts pounding and i get migraines and get sick to my stomach in order to feel better i have to lay in a dark room. every day my spine hurts more and more to the point were i can not get out of my bed some days because of the pain. my appetie has decreased drasticly to were i hve to have some sort of meet with my food or i throw up . i get ticked off very easily now and black out some times .
ive been to a doctor and they want to put me away so im seeing if anyone else can give me an answer. im not makeing this stuff up i just want answers if any one has them for me i will listen to wht u have to say. i feel like i dont know my self anymore . something is really wrong with me i just dont know what is it . im willing to listen to wht ever any one has to say thank you
18:27 May 05 2012
I don't think you need to be "put away" Keep searching for a person who's a bit more compassionate, than just clinical. Also, when's the last time you had a physical exam with blood tests? Have that done ASAP