I walk and I see.. see the never ending path leading to nowhere in particular....i hear..hear the voices telling me to go back, that I will never make it, but how am i suppose to know if i can have that strength to make it...if i never try. Why should i listen to those voices that are telling me to leave it. That its a waste of time. I have time to write and draw what i feel. I have time for life, and if i have that much time. Then I shall be able to lead and guide myself to the path that i choose to go. I want to travel, travel far away from the people that i never needed, yet they were there to bring me down and hold me back. Now i must go and try to find the path that I have been telling myself long ago to go. There is no particular place i want to be. I just want to be free, in a place were i feel welcomed and not an outsider. I want to be me, the only person I can be. Where no one will try to change me and where i don’t have to put up with fights and madness. There might not be such a place, but i try to make my own place in my mind. Far from reach to all the people who try to bring me down. I will always stand back up and keep trying. Why give up now, i have so many reasons to give up, but i will not give anyone the satisfaction of my failure. I will try hard and keep going until i reach the end and give them the sense of envy. The feeling they deserve to feel from me. I will not back down for anything in the world I will keep doing what I love no matter what obstacles’ i may face. I will get to where i want to be.