As for today my life doesn’t seem to change. I live in a place where war is happening and i cannot make myself much of use. What should I do to help the people that I love if I am powerless. Life can be tricky that way and not always have I known that but I have gone through so much that it doesn’t seem surprising. What more do I have to do in order to find a place where I belong. I am an outsider and I not always felt that way until I gotten to the point where you have to belong somewhere in order to live on, but in my case I don’t know where I belong. I have come to the conclusion that I might not have meant to be what I am today. Who am I to know if I can’t even make up my mind weather if its better to live without a purpose than to have a useless one and fight for what I may think is right. So what shall I do of me now? I only have such a time that I must figure that out.