ok this is one of my rants. I have someone who I am in love with and feel like he is in love with me but scared of it. He can see in to the depths of my soul and tell the darkest secrets of my heart but I am so afraid of losing him that I push his love out. I don't know if I mean to or if I am just that screwed up... I have seen into the depths of my heart and know that even through the blackness of mine in the night I still can find his light. He has found his way into the bowls of my soul and can brake down everything in my defenses then again I lay them down when he is around. I have not found my way out of the darkness I feel until I found him. I have not seen the light until he came and saved me from my darkest hell. I just wish I could save him from his hell too. I am sorry for taking up so much time to write this pitty party. maybe one day I will find my way to his hell and save him from it...
02:34 Sep 20 2010
hmm... Personal... and so much familiar...