Honor: 302 [ Give / Take ]
21 entries this month
02:51 May 27 2017
Times Read: 534
... Oo0Oo0h the hypocrisy ...
08:41 May 23 2017
Times Read: 555
Holy crap today was 30' for the 22 of May...which is nice and hot and typically "Summer"
weather, however Springtime here...is always this gorgeous.
I feel however I have heat stroke. Spent the day outside working in the backyard and let me tell you,
I'm feeling it now. It's taken me the majority of the evening to attempt to cool off
with little to NO effect. I'm sitting with a ice cold face cloth on
the back of my neck...and little clothing on it hopes of cooling this shell off.
Not complaining however, I'd rather be like this...then shoveling the drive way.
08:34 May 23 2017
Times Read: 557
Member Since: May 23, 2006
06:29 May 22 2017
Times Read: 590
Well tonight I've been searching new jobs online...
Something that you don't normally do, when you're already in your
career and enjoying what you do.
However as I've said previously, if things don't currently change for me
I will be likely moving and starting an exciting new beginning & job.
I did get to speak to the "big" boss regarding some very pressing issues,
that she's now becoming "aware" of, agreeing that CHANGE needs to happen.
(I'm not the only one with the same issues/concerns)
To hear that you are valued, makes you feel pretty good.
Just took clearing out my desk,
to open the eyes of some.
But you can't change another & I'm fucking DONE trying.
She's cooked her goose this time I guess you could say.
02:44 May 22 2017
Times Read: 622
Now was that a "hook line and sinker moment"??
You know in life you can set the bate, but there is NO guarantee the one intended will take it.
Will they see it think "it's a trap" walking away, or will they see it
as the opportunity to approach?
Well I JUST did this, this week.
I set the bate, and it was "Hooked, hook line & sinker"
I was able to express many things that I've been wanting to speak about,
having tried over and over, especially the last 3-4 weeks.
Knowing things were building and getting worse, I thought it's now or never.
Fuck I hate the feeling of not being ''heard" or better yet "appreciated."
Well, Friday I WAS HEARD
Now let's see if change happens because of it.
My fingers ARE crossed.
She did reach out thanking me for trusting her, to "open" up....so it's looking like it will
go in the right direction.
Time will tell...
yup yup
12:51 May 20 2017
Times Read: 657
You are so right, thanks for sending me this-
"Never judge someone's character based on the words of another
What are the 'motives' behind the words of the person casting the bad judgment?"
Remember talking about someone says more about YOU then it does the person you're speaking of.
What's the saying "Sally talking about Susan says more about Sally then it does Susan"
yup yup
Take your energy and use it productively.
Moving forward and enjoying life IS WHAT everyone should be focusing on.
Not negative energy of another
05:36 May 19 2017
Times Read: 701
TESTING 'center'
Seems it DID change, and with the help of a friend it works.
Slight adjustment and voila.
Thank you again =D
04:38 May 19 2017
Times Read: 745
I can POST a comment in colour
So the problem lies with something I've done for 10 years
The colour shows now when I don't "Center" my journal entry/font....
I've been using colours for 10 years, NO ISSUE however when I attempt to center it, it doesn't work.
SO I WILL ATTEMPT to center my following line
Oh look at that, NO COLOUR!
So I HAVE been doing it right but it's not working again when I try and do colour and center....this is different with this 2.0
08:13 May 18 2017
Times Read: 807
Stupid me, huh?! I should have known that, so THANK YOU for so politely letting me know.
Such a lovely warm reply, lmao.
Vampire Rave member for 10 years.
21:07:09 May 16 2017
Read 22 times
Question regarding font colours within your journals
Does the HTML colour (color for you 'mericans) still work?
I notice in the profile, yes....journals not so much.
What am I doing wrong?
Vampire Rave member for 11 years.
08:33:25 May 17 2017
Read 5 times
Not the place for this. Main forum profile layout thread.
Choices - But who are you when I'm not looking?09:34 May 16 2017
Times Read: 859
The hardest things in life to do, are often the best things.
Choosing to stay or walk away from an individual IS something I do NOT
nor have taken easy or lightly.
I've only shut out few people from my life to be honest,
but it came after YEARS of different reasons, and NOT from a lack
or many attempts to see eye to eye.
I recently saw a post that is so appropriate for this type of choice.
![photo a9a90771-f243-435a-9c79-4cf6c4e9769c_zpsg1nuczw2.jpg](https://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o91/queenofchaos01/NEW%20PROFILE/a9a90771-f243-435a-9c79-4cf6c4e9769c_zpsg1nuczw2.jpg)
People can talk, take bits and pieces of different scenarios making grandiose statements of who you are
Does that mean, that's who you are?
That is 1 person.
One persons "take" or "view" of who are.
That's it...
Take everything with a grain of salt...if you want to know who someone is,
YOU get to know them, for that is the ONLY way you'll know.
So I say again...
"Who are you when I'm not looking?"
07:13 May 16 2017
Times Read: 874
Ugg...can someone tell me where I can find out how to make my font in here coloured again?
Or is that something of the past?
I'm 99.9% it's my stupidity that I don't know how.
I'm a whiny bitch01:55 May 07 2017
Times Read: 968
Here's another "rant" post.
Just about being so visual..how is this better?
Oh wait, I have to SCROLL, scroll.........and and scroll to see who visited my journal.
*rolls eyes*
PC vs. Mobile
![photo vr1_zpsqcygcwbk.jpg](https://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o91/queenofchaos01/NEW%20PROFILE/vr1_zpsqcygcwbk.jpg)
18:24 May 06 2017
Times Read: 1,049
Seriously, WTF
This site in my opinion Cancer took 1000 steps BACKWARDS
into the dark age.
It looks dated, and plan dull.
I HATE how it looks - For example the image on the "home" page is over exposed and well DATED.
Looks like absolute SHIT imo
Absolutely no fluidity, to the site. That's sad.
The profiles now...being stuffed over to one side, and not the center of the screens...I'm just going to stop ranting, what do I know?
This is your site, and you're not going to listen to a member(s) 'opinion' but seriously disappointing. Either I continue PAYING to be a member
or I don't...it really IS that simple.
05:04 May 05 2017
Times Read: 1,082
Setting the hook...
...reel in the slack of the line
...waiting for that strike
The anticipation
You're going to be waiting awhile.
04:59 May 05 2017
Times Read: 1,087
Are you talking?
Like seriously... are you talking to me, specifically?
Is this what you want? Acknowledgement?
Sit back in your world and build your stories,
tweak them to your liking...
whatever YOU need to.......move forward.
Flip your thinking
06:43 May 04 2017
Times Read: 1,121
When you see a person post on social media..asking their 'friends' or acquaintances to describe them in 3 words,
I reckon they're NOT looking for the following adjectives
Post read: 3 words to describe me:
1.) annoying
2.) uneducated
3.) superficial
This would be the truth in MY OPINION and literally the 1st 3 things that popped in my head.
However that's only my take...
That might not be who 'they' are, rather all I've seen of them?
Would I share that? No... Why you ask?
Well because it's rude, uncalled for, and just a shitty
thing to post again in my opinion
Everyone has ALWAYS positives to who they are:
1.) Full of 'zest'
2.) Not complicated
3.) Enjoy the finer things
Same but worded different, yes?
05:25 May 03 2017
Times Read: 1,153
Bates MOTEL!
Finally tonight I was able to watch the last 2 episodes of Bates Motel.
I can't believe that it's over
The finale was NOT what I suspected
God, what a CRAZY ending
Who here's a Bates Motel fan?
Psst. Romero, I would do very bad things to you...
05:23 May 03 2017
Times Read: 1,154
So many people are like this...
'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
k.04:38 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,166
Umm... a lot
04:30 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,168
Where does your mind go?
What brings you inner peace?
04:13 May 02 2017
Times Read: 1,178
This is how I view this -
" Coven Favor "
I mean really who gives a f*ck really what I think,
but I'm going to share regardless.
It's like the game most of us will be familiar with...
- Monopoly -
You play the game and earn 'funny money'
![photo 1-intro_zpss3dqfbv6.jpg](https://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o91/queenofchaos01/NEW%20PROFILE/1-intro_zpss3dqfbv6.jpg)
When you're done, what can one do with it?
Buy... food? shelter? clothing?
Nope, not a f*cking thing.
It doesn't benefit a person in the "REAL WORLD" at all,
just in fantasy-land...
I don't get it, unless you LIVE in a fantasy-land?
However some just think it's the be all of the world.
So confusing to me.