awwww so very sorry hun..*hugs*
yeah it is alot harder to let go when it comes to it closing due to government cuts and stuff like that.
You are amazing and you have done an amazing job for the past 7 years..and yes ..when one door closes another opens and I am sure whatever you decide to do..or where ever you decide to will continue to be just as amazing and wonderful..and where ever you go..they will be very very lucky to have you.
much love to you My Queen....*hugs*
Oh no, im sorry to read this, being as amazing as you are im sure someone somewhere else will snatch you up very fast!
Take some time off enjoy it, and recharge for your next chapter :)
Yes, your cock is bigger than teetees' and kiss as well.
Umm....yeah they've got nothing to do with this entry...
Only those closest to you know you're actually talking about chickens...
You're a smart man, birra.
I was referring to Rooster's. It is a well known fact that teetee owns the largest cock farm in Missouri.
I always knew there was something different about you...
I want to smell so come here. lol.. I will even say please.. hehehe.
I feel the same way with their Juniper Breeze scent. It smells like the laundry detergent isle at the store.
Damn reading that back, I think I could make another journal entry with some of those "key"
I totally have some Pepsi I will even put some ice in it for you come and get it.. lmao..
Funny...I JUST heard some ice rattling.
Really I just heard "oh my mouth"... Does it burn?? Ready for that ice yet.. lol..
Milk... duh
I agree, I have 6 blocks 5 are people I've never knew, hell I can't even cause them shit so they can block me. Damn it !
Mhmm, totally.
I have 1 earned block, from some dude I can't even remember why happened, but I remember enough and calling him a bitch earned that block, bwhahaha.
Now everyone at the wedding's gonna be thinking about periods, and stains on the dress, lol.
Bwhaha. I thought the same thing.... =D
I guess because no one can see the person beyond a photo it lets the walls down and people say the dumbest things at times. I would never post something like that. Even though it is slightly amusing it is also very embarrassing and should be kept private. (Of course that is only my opinion)
And so begins a new era... where nothing is sacred and information overload is the norm....
How do I go about becoming shipwrecked on a deserted island with a volley ball???
-smiles- Enjoy them All...
I live for these moments.
I'm sure as hell NOT getting any younger.
Today was just a reminder how precious life is, and how FAST it passes.
Cherish every moment , every finger print every laugh you hear babies grow up so fast
WOW , Has it been two months since you bathed ? Yummy Calgon woman smells good : )
Bwhaha, reading that back...would appear to me, that I do need a bath, ppeeeww!
Cancer is the only one that can fix that- not sure how it's possible myself.
A message has already been sent to Cancer, when it happened. Thanks Images!
I feel so bad... Damn you copy and paste! I'm so sorry.
I'm a regular member...
Had to Petition for entry...oi
You got booted from your own coven?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... *climbs back onto chair*
that's worse than locking your keys in your car....
*falls off chair again*
keys in the car bah, thats nothing lol imagine forgetting your keys in the car 4 times buhaaaaaa
and being stuck on the side of the road in some remote place out of town and also you can see your cell phone rining inside and on top its 6:45 in the morning and the average amount o car passing by are 1 car per 2 hours its raining, and you're late for work
oh that really did happen.... to my daughter, so far she did that 4 times for real hehehe in the past 6 months heheheh :p
lol or get locked outside your house.
I think it's something authomatically with the system when he wrote the code. Lol still funny.
Long live the almighty pussy!
pussies are dangerous hehehe when not well treated :p hehehe ;)
20:40 Jun 29 2013
Mmmm... You said breast. I saw that other line "peeled the corn" I SWEAR that I saw "I peed the corn"
01:55 Jun 30 2013
Did someone say breast?
05:44 Jun 30 2013
I love chicken boobies!