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18 entries this month
04:08 Apr 30 2013
Times Read: 763
This is for some here on the Rave...
There comes a time in life, when you walk away
from all the drama and people who create it.
You surround yourself with people who make
you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good.
So, love the people who treat you right.
Think good thoughts for the ones who don't.
Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Falling down is part of life.
Getting back up is living.
03:52 Apr 30 2013
Times Read: 766
Life's too short to start your day with broken
pieces of yesterday, it will definitely
destroy your wonderful today
and ruin your great tomorrow...
03:49 Apr 30 2013
Times Read: 767
Listen more then you talk
10:58 Apr 29 2013
Times Read: 803
"Listen more then you talk".
I saw this title...and immediately was drawn to reading what accompanied it.
Do you ever find that you are speechless when it comes to certain conversations?
That you actually have NO words to explain your
emotions/feelings in that exact moment?
I find that with certain things, and certain conversations
I am completely at a blank for words.
Perhaps some of that, is too let the person know, that shared their feelings, that they were HEARD...that with the 'silence' (for a lack of a better word) is validating what they said, and keeping the focus on what was said, instead of turning it into something else??
"God gave me two ears and one mouth so I could listen twice as much as I talk."
08:05 Apr 28 2013
Times Read: 835
I am sorry for my absence here within Vampre Rave.
I've had a personal family emergency 1 week ago today...
that I could have completely lived without.
Just remember, life is short. It's not to be toyed with.
Love hard...and love freely.
Fuck hate.
07:22 Apr 17 2013
Times Read: 877
Take chances, take a lot of them.
Honesty, no matter where you end up and with whom,
it always ends up just the way it should be.
Your mistakes make you who you are.
You learn and grow with each choice you make.
Everything is worth it.
Say how you feel, always...
Be you and be ok with it ~
Skype Vs. Mobile Ph. #
23:58 Apr 16 2013
Times Read: 911
My question is very simple.
What is your opinion on this "topic"
Is it the same to give someone your Skype Address, then it is your Cell phone number?
09:46 Apr 16 2013
Times Read: 948
I miss so many things in my life...
It's time to get them, and stop doing shit for others.
It's MY time.
It's GO time.
15:26 Apr 14 2013
Times Read: 1,005
Set at 20:51 on April 13 2013
clarificiation requested:
Last night when I was on the "who's online" a LOT of kismets were about hate, anger...rage..fighting, battles...
So I wrote "LOVE" as everyone around is hating someone or something.
Very simple.
15:15 Apr 14 2013
Times Read: 1,006
Sunday morning = wet...damp
Wishing I was BACK in bed...and NOT working. But in the VERY same breath, I'm grateful for my job.
It's quiet at the moment, but then again it's only 0715.
So the point of this...
"C'est froid aujourd'hui"
06:15 Apr 11 2013
Times Read: 1,062
This is a snippet of a conversation...oh a few seconds ago
[10:11:56 PM] Sonia Queenofchaos: big bad slain is at it again
[10:11:58 PM] Sonia Queenofchaos: *pukes*
20:06 Apr 10 2013
Times Read: 1,098
I wish I was smart as some of the people on this site.
They make journal posts about other people...
How "the other person looks"...
Just because they don't do something traditionally or not to their personal liking,
does that make the other person any less?
Yeah... NO!
Get your head outta your ass, you ain't all that YOU think you are.
Just some thoughts, I will share...
12:08 Apr 08 2013
Times Read: 1,143
I think the idea of falling in love never gets old for me.
I think that its fascinating in one's personal life.
And its such an enduring and universal concept because, I mean, who knows how to really integrate someone else fully into their life?
I'm always fascinated by that balance and who that person is, and even in my own life that balance.
It's always so inspiring, and yet you never stop thinking if that person is there, that somehow you can make it work, either if its something that you're in right now or that you'll find that person out there...
That fantasy that someone will come along and unlock all of the doors that are locked inside of you, and that will kind of solve a lot of the issues, solve your problems.
I like that fantasy. I think that's another reason why the stories of Nicholas Sparks are so popular, because that's just so deeply ingrained, at least in my psyche, and for a lot of people.
I just find that inspiring you know, that that does happen, that you can open yourself up and be caught and be loved and cared for.
09:56 Apr 06 2013
Times Read: 1,176
Oh my god!
So yeah.. I have this brilliant idea to tweak my profile,
just ever so slightly...something I do from time to time.
I click "edit profile" and change 1 word...click update, and POOF, profile gone!
It was absolutely gone, from the word I changed down.
Funny thing, the word I changed was at the top of my profile.
It's a good thing I asked the right person for help,
because apparently there is a profile restore!
Thank fucking god!
If there wasn't and I lost my profile, I would have NEVER made another one.
*kicks myself*
Not sure what happened, but I didn't need that moment of panic.
Thank you for your help, it's a simple enough process, but I didn't even know it existed.
05:30 Apr 05 2013
Times Read: 1,218
Do you ever wonder…
When someone writes:
:: smiles & nods :: or *LMAO*
Did they really smile and nod, OR laugh their ass off?
Like really?
Where did their ass go, and does it come back at any 1 point?
. . .
01:58 Apr 05 2013
Times Read: 1,230
I am strong because I know my weaknesses.
I am wise because I've been foolish.
I give in because I've tasted loneliness
I smile because I've known sadness.
00:11 Apr 05 2013
Times Read: 1,257
People are unique.
Reading journals today...seeing how everyone looks at the same thing (this site)
with such different views.
This site is something to everyone, and not the same to the next guy.
Embrace life..we only get 1 shot.
Care about the people in your life, and how they treat you...not what you view through a computer screen.
I dunno...I'm a people person, I need contact and that means GETTING OUT and meeting people, seeing them, touching, talking and interacting with them. Perhaps that's why I'm a Nurse....and a kick ass photographer!!
Those who know me, will smile at the last line above.
*smiles softly*
Happy Thursday everyone.
Wash dirty laundry in public?
21:17 Apr 02 2013
Times Read: 1,317
Let's start off April with a "bang" shall we?
Why do humans insist on hurting other humans?
Why after someone shares themselves, personally...emotionally, physically, mentally etc. with someone and a love is exchanged , do they feel almost repelled to attack this person, when things go south?
Does running them down, publicly make you feel better?
Seriously at the end of the day, do you feel better knowing that the person you once loved and cared for...cried with, shared your secrets with, was and is nothing to you now?
Personally I feel it says a lot about a person, when they respect THEMSELVES to keep their "dirty laundry" theirs.
When I love, I love completely. I love forever...
I love with all that I am. I build a friendship, and value it. EVEN if things so south!
Guess that's why I am still friends with my Ex's.
Lord knows I am not perfect...
*Ducks from the lighting bolts*
but Jesus...
I've ALWAYS said.. "I don't kiss and tell" and apparently that's a rare quality now.
Have you no shame?
If you're paranoid to think this is about you...then I encourage you to think within...did you post something about another person?
What are you hoping to gain by sharing anything about them negatively?
You're running another person down, but in all honesty you're
making yourself look like the bigger tool.
Oh and if you're doing it, because "They started it".. you need to immediately click the RED "X" and shake your head, and GROW up.
I've got nothing more to say to you.
Life is short..loose all the hatred, and learn to love yourself again, be happy with what you have, and not what you don't.
You will be surprised how much better you will feel.
08:46 Apr 30 2013
For some that is nearly impossible. Not because they cant. Its because they WON'T.
08:48 Apr 30 2013
23:15 Apr 30 2013
That thought makes me happy!!!