this is my story of how i let jealousy take my soul see for me jealousy flows through my blood to the heart and brain and yet i still feel a part of me is lost but i still show feelings for with love.
see the jealousy i feel is strong cause it's the way i feel each time i see others coupled up and knowing that i will never know how it feels to be like that so i sit in the dark awaitng for death himself or happiness set me free from all the tourment that is bestored upon me for each night and day of my life feel something within my soul wanting to come out but fear that what wants to come out people are not ready for so i try to be patient and hold it all in eventually the heart of a loyal servant and pet will be broken and that was once caged up will be set free to roam and nothing probaly ever put it back once its out
19:12 May 07 2008
good read