Day by day it was there
Sometimes more and some less
As time went one he watched it slipping
He reached for it and struggled after it
Yet it seems it was all in vain
There came a day it wasn't there
He thought it was still there just barely
Too late he noticed it was a trick of the eye
He scrambled after it all the more
He screamed for it to come back
There was no reply
So long he struggled to hold on to it
So long it made no effort for the same
And so it had faded into the shadows
Now he screams in impotent pain and fury
The lips twitch and a smile spreads
Heartfelt like the peace of an evening zephyr
A moment stretching forward
To last for the time of a breath
And end in the time of a life
Dedicated to a muse who makes me smile.
I sit in refound solitude
Alone in the oppressive warmth of the evening
The heat settles upon me like a blanket
Seeping into my pores to simmer my blood
Wending its way to my braing and turning my thoughts to molasses
The fan humming soothingly in my ear
The breeze brushes over me unevenly
It chases back the heat like the light chases shadow
For a moment so soothing
Then the heat rushes back in as if the charge of battle
Back and forth it continues
Hot to cool to hot and over and over
This waltz so much like the dance of Night and Day